Random Forest Feature Importance


Nipun Batra, R Yeeshu Dhurandhar


January 14, 2024

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.datasets import make_moons, make_circles, make_classification
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from IPython.display import Image

# To plot trees in forest via graphviz
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
import graphviz

    from latexify import latexify, format_axes

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
# Load IRIS dataset from Seaborn
iris = sns.load_dataset('iris')
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
... ... ... ... ... ...
145 6.7 3.0 5.2 2.3 virginica
146 6.3 2.5 5.0 1.9 virginica
147 6.5 3.0 5.2 2.0 virginica
148 6.2 3.4 5.4 2.3 virginica
149 5.9 3.0 5.1 1.8 virginica

150 rows × 5 columns

# classes
array(['setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica'], dtype=object)
plt.hist(iris.sepal_width, bins=20)
(array([ 1.,  3.,  4.,  3.,  8., 14., 14., 10., 26., 11., 19., 12.,  6.,
         4.,  9.,  2.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]),
 array([2.  , 2.12, 2.24, 2.36, 2.48, 2.6 , 2.72, 2.84, 2.96, 3.08, 3.2 ,
        3.32, 3.44, 3.56, 3.68, 3.8 , 3.92, 4.04, 4.16, 4.28, 4.4 ]),
 <BarContainer object of 20 artists>)

sns.kdeplot(data=iris, x="sepal_length")

sns.displot(iris.sepal_length.values, kind='kde')

sns.displot(data=iris, x="sepal_length", kind='kde')

setosa        1.462
versicolor    4.260
virginica     5.552
Name: petal_length, dtype: float64
# Pairplot
sns.pairplot(iris, hue="species")

# Divide dataset into X and y
X, y = iris.iloc[:, :-1], iris.iloc[:, -1]
rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10,random_state=0, criterion='entropy', bootstrap=True)
rf.fit(X, y)
RandomForestClassifier(criterion='entropy', n_estimators=10, random_state=0)
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# Visualize ``each tree in the Random Forest
for i, tree in enumerate(rf.estimators_):
    # Create DOT data for the i-th tree
    dot_data = export_graphviz(tree, out_file=None, 
                               filled=True, rounded=True,
    # Use Graphviz to render the DOT data into a graph
    graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)
    # Save or display the graph (change the format as needed)
    graph.render(filename=f'../figures/ensemble/feature-imp-{i}', format='pdf', cleanup=True)
    graph.render(filename=f'../figures/ensemble/feature-imp-{i}', format='png', cleanup=True)
# Visualize the tree

array([0.09864748, 0.03396026, 0.32312193, 0.54427033])

For a particular node:

  • Information gain at node \(t\) = Impurity reduction at node \(t\) = entropy(parent) - weighted entropy(children)

\(\Delta i(t) = i(t) - \frac{N_{t_L}}{N_t} i(t_L) - \frac{N_{t_r}}{N_t} i(t_R)\)

For a tree:

Importance of feature \(X_j\) is given by:

\(\text{Imp}(X_j) = \sum_{t \in \varphi_{m}} 1(j_t = j) \Big[ p(t) \Delta i(t) \Big]\)

For a forest:

Importance of feature \(X_j\) for an ensemble of \(M\) trees \(\varphi_{m}\) is:

\[\begin{equation*} \text{Imp}(X_j) = \frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M \sum_{t \in \varphi_{m}} 1(j_t = j) \Big[ p(t) \Delta i(t) \Big] \end{equation*}\]

N = 150
array([0.09864748, 0.03396026, 0.32312193, 0.54427033])
list_of_trees_in_rf = rf.estimators_
tree_0 = list_of_trees_in_rf[0]
array([0.00397339, 0.01375245, 0.35802357, 0.6242506 ])
s = []
for tree in rf.estimators_:
array([0.09864748, 0.03396026, 0.32312193, 0.54427033])
array([0.09864748, 0.03396026, 0.32312193, 0.54427033])
tree_0 = rf.estimators_[0]
array([0.00397339, 0.01375245, 0.35802357, 0.6242506 ])
# take one tree 
tree = rf.estimators_[0].tree_
array([ 3, -2,  2,  3, -2,  1, -2, -2,  0, -2,  2, -2, -2], dtype=int64)

# Creating a mapping of feature names to the feature indices
mapping = {-2: 'Leaf', 0: 'sepal_length', 1: 'sepal_width', 2: 'petal_length', 3: 'petal_width'}

# print the node number along with the corresponding feature name
for node in range(tree.node_count):
    print(f'Node {node}: {mapping[tree.feature[node]]}')
Node 0: petal_width
Node 1: Leaf
Node 2: petal_length
Node 3: petal_width
Node 4: Leaf
Node 5: sepal_width
Node 6: Leaf
Node 7: Leaf
Node 8: sepal_length
Node 9: Leaf
Node 10: petal_length
Node 11: Leaf
Node 12: Leaf
id = 2
tree.children_left[id], tree.children_right[id]
(3, 8)
def print_child_id(tree, node):
    Prints the child node ids of a given node.
    tree: tree object
    node: int

    # check if leaf
    l, r = tree.children_left[node], tree.children_right[node]
    if l == -1 and r == -1:
        return None, None
    return tree.children_left[node], tree.children_right[node]

print_child_id(tree, 0)
(1, 2)
array([1.57310798, 0.        , 0.98464683, 0.34781691, 0.        ,
       0.81127812, 0.        , 0.        , 0.12741851, 0.        ,
       0.2108423 , 0.        , 0.        ])
def all_data(tree, node):
    Returns all the data required to calculate the information gain.

    # get the child nodes
    left, right = print_child_id(tree, node)

    # check if leaf, then return None
    if left is None:
        return None
    # get the data
    entropy_node = tree.impurity[node]
    entropy_left = tree.impurity[left]
    entropy_right = tree.impurity[right]

    # N = total number of samples considered during bagging, therefore, it is equal to the number of samples at the root node
    N = tree.n_node_samples[0]

    # n_l = number of samples at the left child node
    n_l = tree.n_node_samples[left]

    # n_r = number of samples at the right child node
    n_r = tree.n_node_samples[right]

    # n_t = total number of samples at the node
    n_t = n_l + n_r

    feature = mapping[tree.feature[node]]
    # calculate the information gain
    info_gain_t = entropy_node - (n_l/n_t * entropy_left + n_r/n_t * entropy_right)
    return info_gain_t, N, n_l, n_r, n_t, feature
# Calculate the importance of each features using the information gain for a tree

scores = {}
for node in range(tree.node_count):
    # Add the information gain of the node to the dictionary if it is not a leaf node
        ig, N, n_l, n_r, n_t, feature = all_data(tree, node)
        p_t = n_t / N
        scores[feature] = scores.get(feature, 0) + p_t * ig

    # Skip if it is a leaf node

ser = pd.Series(scores) 
info_gain_tree = ser/ser.sum()
petal_width     0.639307
petal_length    0.340335
sepal_width     0.016459
sepal_length    0.003899
dtype: float64
# Feature importance using sklearn for a tree
sklearn_imp = tree.compute_feature_importances()
pd.Series(sklearn_imp, index=iris.columns[:-1]).sort_values(ascending=False)
petal_width     0.624251
petal_length    0.358024
sepal_width     0.013752
sepal_length    0.003973
dtype: float64
# Feature importance using sklearn for the forest
sklearn_imp_forest = np.array([x.tree_.compute_feature_importances() for x in rf.estimators_]).mean(axis=0)
pd.Series(sklearn_imp_forest, index=iris.columns[:-1]).sort_values(ascending=False)
petal_width     0.544270
petal_length    0.323122
sepal_length    0.098647
sepal_width     0.033960
dtype: float64
ser = pd.Series(sklearn_imp_forest, index=iris.columns[:-1])
ser.plot(kind='bar', rot=0)
plt.savefig('../figures/ensemble/feature-imp-forest.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')


tree.tree_.feature returns the feature used at each node to divide the node into two child nodes with the below given mapping. The sequence of the features is the same as the column sequence of the input data.

  • -2: leaf node
  • 0: sepal_length
  • 1: sepal_width
  • 2: petal_length
  • 3: petal_width

tree.tree_.children_left[node] returns the node number of the left child of the node

tree.tree_.children_right[node] returns the node number of the right child of the node

if there is no left or right child, it returns -1

Bootstrap code:

in the random_forest.fit() function
