Active Learning


    from astra.torch.models import ResNetClassifier
    %pip install git+
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2"

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
import torchvision.models as models
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
# Retina display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# Confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay

import torchsummary
from tqdm import tqdm

import umap

from import load_cifar_10
from astra.torch.utils import train_fn
from astra.torch.models import ResNetClassifier

# Netron, ONNX for model visualization
    import netron
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    %pip install netron
    import netron

    import onnx
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    %pip install onnx
    import onnx

import copy
/home/patel_zeel/ASTRA/astra/torch/ UserWarning: TORCH_HOME not set, setting it to /home/patel_zeel/.cache/torch
  warnings.warn(f"TORCH_HOME not set, setting it to {os.environ['TORCH_HOME']}")
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")


dataset = load_cifar_10()
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified

CIFAR-10 Dataset
length of dataset: 60000
shape of images: torch.Size([3, 32, 32])
len of classes: 10
classes: ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
dtype of images: torch.float32
dtype of labels: torch.int64
# Plot some images
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
for i in range(25):
    plt.subplot(5, 5, i+1)

Data splitting

n_train = 1000
n_test = 20000

X =
y = dataset.targets

print(X.shape, X.dtype)
print(X.min(), X.max())
print(y.shape, y.dtype)
torch.Size([60000, 3, 32, 32])
torch.Size([60000, 3, 32, 32]) torch.float32
tensor(0.) tensor(1.)
torch.Size([60000]) torch.int64
idx = torch.randperm(len(X))
train_idx = idx[:n_train]
pool_idx = idx[n_train:-n_test]
test_idx = idx[-n_test:]
print(f"Length of train set: {len(train_idx)}")
print(f"Length of pool set: {len(pool_idx)}")
print(f"Length of test set: {len(test_idx)}")
Length of train set: 1000
Length of pool set: 39000
Length of test set: 20000
resnet = ResNetClassifier(models.resnet18, models.ResNet18_Weights.DEFAULT, n_classes=10).to(device)
/home/patel_zeel/miniconda3/envs/torch_gpu_py311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/ UserWarning: Can't initialize NVML
  warnings.warn("Can't initialize NVML")
torchsummary.summary(resnet, (3, 32, 32))
        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
            Conv2d-1           [-1, 64, 16, 16]           9,408
       BatchNorm2d-2           [-1, 64, 16, 16]             128
              ReLU-3           [-1, 64, 16, 16]               0
         MaxPool2d-4             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
            Conv2d-5             [-1, 64, 8, 8]          36,864
       BatchNorm2d-6             [-1, 64, 8, 8]             128
              ReLU-7             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
            Conv2d-8             [-1, 64, 8, 8]          36,864
       BatchNorm2d-9             [-1, 64, 8, 8]             128
             ReLU-10             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
       BasicBlock-11             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
           Conv2d-12             [-1, 64, 8, 8]          36,864
      BatchNorm2d-13             [-1, 64, 8, 8]             128
             ReLU-14             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
           Conv2d-15             [-1, 64, 8, 8]          36,864
      BatchNorm2d-16             [-1, 64, 8, 8]             128
             ReLU-17             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
       BasicBlock-18             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
           Conv2d-19            [-1, 128, 4, 4]          73,728
      BatchNorm2d-20            [-1, 128, 4, 4]             256
             ReLU-21            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
           Conv2d-22            [-1, 128, 4, 4]         147,456
      BatchNorm2d-23            [-1, 128, 4, 4]             256
           Conv2d-24            [-1, 128, 4, 4]           8,192
      BatchNorm2d-25            [-1, 128, 4, 4]             256
             ReLU-26            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
       BasicBlock-27            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
           Conv2d-28            [-1, 128, 4, 4]         147,456
      BatchNorm2d-29            [-1, 128, 4, 4]             256
             ReLU-30            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
           Conv2d-31            [-1, 128, 4, 4]         147,456
      BatchNorm2d-32            [-1, 128, 4, 4]             256
             ReLU-33            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
       BasicBlock-34            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
           Conv2d-35            [-1, 256, 2, 2]         294,912
      BatchNorm2d-36            [-1, 256, 2, 2]             512
             ReLU-37            [-1, 256, 2, 2]               0
           Conv2d-38            [-1, 256, 2, 2]         589,824
      BatchNorm2d-39            [-1, 256, 2, 2]             512
           Conv2d-40            [-1, 256, 2, 2]          32,768
      BatchNorm2d-41            [-1, 256, 2, 2]             512
             ReLU-42            [-1, 256, 2, 2]               0
       BasicBlock-43            [-1, 256, 2, 2]               0
           Conv2d-44            [-1, 256, 2, 2]         589,824
      BatchNorm2d-45            [-1, 256, 2, 2]             512
             ReLU-46            [-1, 256, 2, 2]               0
           Conv2d-47            [-1, 256, 2, 2]         589,824
      BatchNorm2d-48            [-1, 256, 2, 2]             512
             ReLU-49            [-1, 256, 2, 2]               0
       BasicBlock-50            [-1, 256, 2, 2]               0
           Conv2d-51            [-1, 512, 1, 1]       1,179,648
      BatchNorm2d-52            [-1, 512, 1, 1]           1,024
             ReLU-53            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
           Conv2d-54            [-1, 512, 1, 1]       2,359,296
      BatchNorm2d-55            [-1, 512, 1, 1]           1,024
           Conv2d-56            [-1, 512, 1, 1]         131,072
      BatchNorm2d-57            [-1, 512, 1, 1]           1,024
             ReLU-58            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
       BasicBlock-59            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
           Conv2d-60            [-1, 512, 1, 1]       2,359,296
      BatchNorm2d-61            [-1, 512, 1, 1]           1,024
             ReLU-62            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
           Conv2d-63            [-1, 512, 1, 1]       2,359,296
      BatchNorm2d-64            [-1, 512, 1, 1]           1,024
             ReLU-65            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
       BasicBlock-66            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
AdaptiveAvgPool2d-67            [-1, 512, 1, 1]               0
         Identity-68                  [-1, 512]               0
           ResNet-69                  [-1, 512]               0
          Flatten-70                  [-1, 512]               0
           ResNet-71                  [-1, 512]               0
           Linear-72                  [-1, 512]         262,656
             ReLU-73                  [-1, 512]               0
          Dropout-74                  [-1, 512]               0
              MLP-75                  [-1, 512]               0
           Linear-76                   [-1, 10]           5,130
    MLPClassifier-77                   [-1, 10]               0
Total params: 11,444,298
Trainable params: 11,444,298
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.01
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 1.32
Params size (MB): 43.66
Estimated Total Size (MB): 44.98
def get_accuracy(net, X, y):
    # Set the net to evaluation mode
    with torch.no_grad():
        logits_pred = net(X)
        y_pred = logits_pred.argmax(dim=1)
        acc = (y_pred == y).float().mean()
    return y_pred, acc

def predict(net, classes, plot_confusion_matrix=False):
    for i, (name, idx) in enumerate(zip(("train", "pool", "test"), [train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx])):
        X_dataset = X[idx].to(device)
        y_dataset = y[idx].to(device)
        y_pred, acc = get_accuracy(net, X_dataset, y_dataset)
        print(f'{name} set accuracy: {acc*100:.2f}%')
        if plot_confusion_matrix:
            cm = confusion_matrix(y_dataset.cpu(), y_pred.cpu())
            cm_display = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm, display_labels=classes).plot(values_format='d'
                                                                                , cmap='Blues')
            # Rotate the labels on x-axis to make them readable
            _ = plt.xticks(rotation=90)
predict(resnet, dataset.classes, plot_confusion_matrix=True)
train set accuracy: 7.70%
pool set accuracy: 7.57%
test set accuracy: 7.58%

def viz_embeddings(net, X, y, device):
    reducer = umap.UMAP()
    with torch.no_grad():
        emb = net.featurizer(
    emb = emb.cpu().numpy()
    emb = reducer.fit_transform(emb)
    plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
    plt.scatter(emb[:, 0], emb[:, 1], c=y.cpu().numpy(), cmap='tab10')
    # Add a colorbar legend to mark color to class mapping
    cb = plt.colorbar(boundaries=np.arange(11)-0.5)
    plt.title("UMAP embeddings")

viz_embeddings(resnet, X[train_idx], y[train_idx], device)

Train the model on train set

model_only_train = ResNetClassifier(models.resnet18, None, n_classes=10, activation=nn.GELU(), dropout=0.1).to(device)
iter_losses, epoch_losses = train_fn(model_only_train, X[train_idx], y[train_idx], nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), lr=3e-4, 
                                     batch_size=128, epochs=30, verbose=False)
plt.ylabel("Training loss")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Training loss')

predict(model_only_train, dataset.classes, plot_confusion_matrix=True)
train set accuracy: 100.00%
pool set accuracy: 35.53%
test set accuracy: 35.33%

viz_embeddings(model_only_train, X[train_idx], y[train_idx], device)

viz_embeddings(model_only_train, X[test_idx[:1000]], y[test_idx[:1000]], device)

Train on train + pool

train_plus_pool_idx =[train_idx, pool_idx])

model_train_plus_pool = ResNetClassifier(models.resnet18, None, n_classes=10, activation=nn.GELU(), dropout=0.1).to(device)

iter_losses, epoch_losses = train_fn(model_train_plus_pool, X[train_plus_pool_idx], y[train_plus_pool_idx], loss_fn=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(),
                                        batch_size=1024, epochs=30)
Loss: 1.318003: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 33.50it/s]
Loss: 1.130332: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.81it/s]
Loss: 0.821397: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.25it/s]
Loss: 0.779279: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.97it/s]
Loss: 0.862528: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.12it/s]
Loss: 0.524238: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.35it/s]
Loss: 0.510165: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.51it/s]
Loss: 0.423117: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.69it/s]
Loss: 0.458616: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.86it/s]
Loss: 0.165772: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.59it/s]
Loss: 0.087809: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.90it/s]
Loss: 0.296134: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.39it/s]
Loss: 0.319740: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.15it/s]
Loss: 0.301341: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 37.49it/s]
Loss: 0.072943: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.23it/s]
Loss: 0.047622: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.49it/s]
Loss: 0.031719: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 37.51it/s]
Loss: 0.031865: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.63it/s]
Loss: 0.046578: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 37.41it/s]
Loss: 0.066532: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 37.07it/s]
Loss: 0.128377: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.39it/s]
Loss: 0.075391: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.56it/s]
Loss: 0.180659: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 33.25it/s]
Loss: 0.122659: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.06it/s]
Loss: 0.116485: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.39it/s]
Loss: 0.216088: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.43it/s]
Loss: 0.063434: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.54it/s]
Loss: 0.111266: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.95it/s]
Loss: 0.039604: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 35.99it/s]
Loss: 0.111527: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:01<00:00, 36.67it/s]
Epoch 1: 1.636701644897461
Epoch 2: 1.2044568725585938
Epoch 3: 0.9858628723144531
Epoch 4: 0.787159913635254
Epoch 5: 0.6295903686523437
Epoch 6: 0.5099980773925781
Epoch 7: 0.3717664451599121
Epoch 8: 0.3031633331298828
Epoch 9: 0.29022122650146487
Epoch 10: 0.26079437942504885
Epoch 11: 0.13630542945861818
Epoch 12: 0.1002807499885559
Epoch 13: 0.18608614768981935
Epoch 14: 0.16239934244155885
Epoch 15: 0.14895454578399658
Epoch 16: 0.06240539264678955
Epoch 17: 0.02642523465156555
Epoch 18: 0.026696961951255798
Epoch 19: 0.03432212963104248
Epoch 20: 0.03469213643074036
Epoch 21: 0.07525548481941223
Epoch 22: 0.13279609174728393
Epoch 23: 0.07557179298400879
Epoch 24: 0.08241450214385987
Epoch 25: 0.07914679989814759
Epoch 26: 0.08806239323616027
Epoch 27: 0.11902619647979737
Epoch 28: 0.05027928895950318
Epoch 29: 0.05692305927276611
Epoch 30: 0.03280420844554901
plt.ylabel("Training loss")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Training loss')

viz_embeddings(model_train_plus_pool, X[train_idx], y[train_idx], device)

viz_embeddings(model_train_plus_pool, X[test_idx[:1000]], y[test_idx[:1000]], device)

predict(model_train_plus_pool, dataset.classes, plot_confusion_matrix=True)
train set accuracy: 97.80%
pool set accuracy: 98.03%
test set accuracy: 61.14%

accuracy_only_train = get_accuracy(model_only_train, X[test_idx].to(device), y[test_idx].to(device))[1]
accuracy_train_plus_pool = get_accuracy(model_train_plus_pool, X[test_idx].to(device), y[test_idx].to(device))[1]

plt.axhline(accuracy_only_train.cpu(), color='r', label='Only train')
plt.axhline(accuracy_train_plus_pool.cpu(), color='g', label='Train + pool')

Text(0, 0.5, 'Accuracy')

Active learning loop

def setdiff1d(a, b):
    mask = ~a.unsqueeze(1).eq(b).any(dim=1)
    return torch.masked_select(a, mask)

a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = torch.tensor([1, 3, 5])

print(setdiff1d(a, b))

a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

print(setdiff1d(a, b))
tensor([2, 4])
tensor([], dtype=torch.int64)
def al_loop(model, query_strategy, num_al_iterations, num_epochs_finetune,
            train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, 
            X, y, device, random_seed=0, verbose=False):
    model: PyTorch model trained on train_idx
    query_strategy: function that takes in model and pool_idx, 
                train_idx and returns indices to query
    num_al_iterations: number of active learning iterations
    num_epochs_finetune: number of epochs to train on queried data + train_idx
    train_idx: indices of data used for training
    pool_idx: indices of data used for querying
    test_idx: indices of data used for testing
    query_size: number of data points to query at each iteration
    X: data
    y: labels
    device: torch device
    random_seed: random seed
    verbose: print statements
    tr_idx = train_idx.clone()
    p_idx = pool_idx.clone()
    print(f"Initial train size: {train_idx.shape}")
    print(f"Initial pool size: {pool_idx.shape}")
    # Initial model test accuracy
    init_accuracy = get_accuracy(model, X[test_idx].to(device), y[test_idx].to(device))[1].item()
    print(f"Test accuracy before AL: {init_accuracy:0.4f}")
    # Test accuracies
    test_accuracies = {0: init_accuracy}
    for iteration in range(num_al_iterations):
        # Query
        query_idx = query_strategy(model, p_idx, tr_idx, random_seed, query_size, X, y, device)
        # Add queried data to train_idx
        tr_idx =[tr_idx, query_idx])
        # Remove queried data from pool_idx
        p_idx = setdiff1d(p_idx, query_idx)
        # Retrain model on pooled data
        iter_losses, epoch_losses = train_fn(model, X[tr_idx], y[tr_idx], loss_fn=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(),
                                             lr=3e-4, batch_size=1024,
        test_accuracies[iteration+1] = get_accuracy(model, X[test_idx].to(device), y[test_idx].to(device))[1].item()
        if verbose:
            print(f"Active learning iteration {iteration+1}/{num_al_iterations}")
            print(f"Train set size: {len(tr_idx)}, Pool set size: {len(p_idx)}")
            print(f"Test accuracy: {test_accuracies[iteration]:0.4f}")
    return model, tr_idx, p_idx, test_accuracies      
def random_sampling(model, pool_idx, train_idx, random_seed, query_size, X, y, device):
    query_idx = pool_idx[torch.randperm(len(pool_idx))[:query_size]]
    return query_idx
query_size = 20
num_al_iterations = 50

import copy

model_r = copy.deepcopy(model_only_train)

model, t_idx, p_idx, test_acc_random = al_loop(model_r, random_sampling, num_al_iterations, 20, train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, X, y,device=device,verbose=True)
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
Active learning iteration 1/50
Train set size: 1020, Pool set size: 38980
Test accuracy: 0.3532

Active learning iteration 2/50
Train set size: 1040, Pool set size: 38960
Test accuracy: 0.3646

Active learning iteration 3/50
Train set size: 1060, Pool set size: 38940
Test accuracy: 0.2930

Active learning iteration 4/50
Train set size: 1080, Pool set size: 38920
Test accuracy: 0.3288

Active learning iteration 5/50
Train set size: 1100, Pool set size: 38900
Test accuracy: 0.3429

Active learning iteration 6/50
Train set size: 1120, Pool set size: 38880
Test accuracy: 0.3391

Active learning iteration 7/50
Train set size: 1140, Pool set size: 38860
Test accuracy: 0.3533

Active learning iteration 8/50
Train set size: 1160, Pool set size: 38840
Test accuracy: 0.3580

Active learning iteration 9/50
Train set size: 1180, Pool set size: 38820
Test accuracy: 0.3529

Active learning iteration 10/50
Train set size: 1200, Pool set size: 38800
Test accuracy: 0.3370

Active learning iteration 11/50
Train set size: 1220, Pool set size: 38780
Test accuracy: 0.3599

Active learning iteration 12/50
Train set size: 1240, Pool set size: 38760
Test accuracy: 0.3711

Active learning iteration 13/50
Train set size: 1260, Pool set size: 38740
Test accuracy: 0.3647

Active learning iteration 14/50
Train set size: 1280, Pool set size: 38720
Test accuracy: 0.3762

Active learning iteration 15/50
Train set size: 1300, Pool set size: 38700
Test accuracy: 0.3592

Active learning iteration 16/50
Train set size: 1320, Pool set size: 38680
Test accuracy: 0.3703

Active learning iteration 17/50
Train set size: 1340, Pool set size: 38660
Test accuracy: 0.3832

Active learning iteration 18/50
Train set size: 1360, Pool set size: 38640
Test accuracy: 0.3783

Active learning iteration 19/50
Train set size: 1380, Pool set size: 38620
Test accuracy: 0.3989

Active learning iteration 20/50
Train set size: 1400, Pool set size: 38600
Test accuracy: 0.3907

Active learning iteration 21/50
Train set size: 1420, Pool set size: 38580
Test accuracy: 0.3886

Active learning iteration 22/50
Train set size: 1440, Pool set size: 38560
Test accuracy: 0.3909

Active learning iteration 23/50
Train set size: 1460, Pool set size: 38540
Test accuracy: 0.3914

Active learning iteration 24/50
Train set size: 1480, Pool set size: 38520
Test accuracy: 0.3984

Active learning iteration 25/50
Train set size: 1500, Pool set size: 38500
Test accuracy: 0.4037

Active learning iteration 26/50
Train set size: 1520, Pool set size: 38480
Test accuracy: 0.4018

Active learning iteration 27/50
Train set size: 1540, Pool set size: 38460
Test accuracy: 0.4005

Active learning iteration 28/50
Train set size: 1560, Pool set size: 38440
Test accuracy: 0.3951

Active learning iteration 29/50
Train set size: 1580, Pool set size: 38420
Test accuracy: 0.4089

Active learning iteration 30/50
Train set size: 1600, Pool set size: 38400
Test accuracy: 0.4150

Active learning iteration 31/50
Train set size: 1620, Pool set size: 38380
Test accuracy: 0.3971

Active learning iteration 32/50
Train set size: 1640, Pool set size: 38360
Test accuracy: 0.4115

Active learning iteration 33/50
Train set size: 1660, Pool set size: 38340
Test accuracy: 0.4040

Active learning iteration 34/50
Train set size: 1680, Pool set size: 38320
Test accuracy: 0.4166

Active learning iteration 35/50
Train set size: 1700, Pool set size: 38300
Test accuracy: 0.4111

Active learning iteration 36/50
Train set size: 1720, Pool set size: 38280
Test accuracy: 0.4158

Active learning iteration 37/50
Train set size: 1740, Pool set size: 38260
Test accuracy: 0.4119

Active learning iteration 38/50
Train set size: 1760, Pool set size: 38240
Test accuracy: 0.4155

Active learning iteration 39/50
Train set size: 1780, Pool set size: 38220
Test accuracy: 0.4022

Active learning iteration 40/50
Train set size: 1800, Pool set size: 38200
Test accuracy: 0.4122

Active learning iteration 41/50
Train set size: 1820, Pool set size: 38180
Test accuracy: 0.4129

Active learning iteration 42/50
Train set size: 1840, Pool set size: 38160
Test accuracy: 0.4187

Active learning iteration 43/50
Train set size: 1860, Pool set size: 38140
Test accuracy: 0.4152

Active learning iteration 44/50
Train set size: 1880, Pool set size: 38120
Test accuracy: 0.4195

Active learning iteration 45/50
Train set size: 1900, Pool set size: 38100
Test accuracy: 0.4227

Active learning iteration 46/50
Train set size: 1920, Pool set size: 38080
Test accuracy: 0.4348

Active learning iteration 47/50
Train set size: 1940, Pool set size: 38060
Test accuracy: 0.4250

Active learning iteration 48/50
Train set size: 1960, Pool set size: 38040
Test accuracy: 0.4243

Active learning iteration 49/50
Train set size: 1980, Pool set size: 38020
Test accuracy: 0.4245

Active learning iteration 50/50
Train set size: 2000, Pool set size: 38000
Test accuracy: 0.4189
<Axes: >

### Now, running across multiple random seeds

query_size = 20
num_al_iterations = 50
ms = {}
t_idxs = {}
p_idxs = {}
test_acc_random = {}
for rs in range(5):
    print(f"Random seed: {rs}")
    model = copy.deepcopy(model_only_train)
    ms[rs], t_idxs[rs], p_idxs[rs], test_acc_random[rs] = al_loop(model, random_sampling, num_al_iterations, 20, train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, X, y,device=device,verbose=False, random_seed=rs)
Random seed: 0
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
Random seed: 1
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
Random seed: 2
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
Random seed: 3
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
Random seed: 4
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
test_acc_random_df = pd.DataFrame(test_acc_random)
mean_acc = test_acc_random_df.mean(axis=1)
std_acc = test_acc_random_df.std(axis=1)
plt.plot(mean_acc, label="Random sampling (mean)")
plt.fill_between(mean_acc.index, mean_acc-std_acc,
                 mean_acc+std_acc, alpha=0.2, label="Random sampling (std)")

# Accuracy of model trained on train_idx
plt.axhline(accuracy_only_train.cpu(), color='r', label='Only train')

# Accuracy of model trained on train_idx + pool_idx
plt.axhline(accuracy_train_plus_pool.cpu(), color='g', label='Train + pool')
plt.xlabel("Active learning iteration")
plt.ylabel("Test accuracy")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe75c755150>

def entropy_sampling(model, pool_idx, train_idx, random_seed, query_size, X, y, device):
    with torch.no_grad():
        logits = model(X[pool_idx].to(device)) # (len(pool_idx), n_classes)
        probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=1)
        entropy = torch.sum(-probs * torch.log(probs), dim=1)
        entropy_sorted = entropy.sort(descending=True)
        query_idx =[entropy_sorted.indices[:query_size]]
    return query_idx.cpu()
entropy_sampling(model_only_train, pool_idx, train_idx, 0, 5, X, y, device)
tensor([ 2946, 45792, 47575, 31607, 56040])
model_e = copy.deepcopy(model_only_train)
# AL loop

m, p_idx, t_idx, test_acc_entropy  = al_loop(model_e, entropy_sampling, num_al_iterations, 20, train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, 
                                             X, y,device=device,verbose=True, random_seed=0)
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3532
Active learning iteration 1/50
Train set size: 1020, Pool set size: 38980
Test accuracy: 0.3532

Active learning iteration 2/50
Train set size: 1040, Pool set size: 38960
Test accuracy: 0.3591

Active learning iteration 3/50
Train set size: 1060, Pool set size: 38940
Test accuracy: 0.3174

Active learning iteration 4/50
Train set size: 1080, Pool set size: 38920
Test accuracy: 0.3345

Active learning iteration 5/50
Train set size: 1100, Pool set size: 38900
Test accuracy: 0.3158

Active learning iteration 6/50
Train set size: 1120, Pool set size: 38880
Test accuracy: 0.3662

Active learning iteration 7/50
Train set size: 1140, Pool set size: 38860
Test accuracy: 0.3424

Active learning iteration 8/50
Train set size: 1160, Pool set size: 38840
Test accuracy: 0.3477

Active learning iteration 9/50
Train set size: 1180, Pool set size: 38820
Test accuracy: 0.3511

Active learning iteration 10/50
Train set size: 1200, Pool set size: 38800
Test accuracy: 0.3558

Active learning iteration 11/50
Train set size: 1220, Pool set size: 38780
Test accuracy: 0.3467

Active learning iteration 12/50
Train set size: 1240, Pool set size: 38760
Test accuracy: 0.3605

Active learning iteration 13/50
Train set size: 1260, Pool set size: 38740
Test accuracy: 0.3667

Active learning iteration 14/50
Train set size: 1280, Pool set size: 38720
Test accuracy: 0.3646

Active learning iteration 15/50
Train set size: 1300, Pool set size: 38700
Test accuracy: 0.3633

Active learning iteration 16/50
Train set size: 1320, Pool set size: 38680
Test accuracy: 0.3802

Active learning iteration 17/50
Train set size: 1340, Pool set size: 38660
Test accuracy: 0.3669

Active learning iteration 18/50
Train set size: 1360, Pool set size: 38640
Test accuracy: 0.3780

Active learning iteration 19/50
Train set size: 1380, Pool set size: 38620
Test accuracy: 0.3739

Active learning iteration 20/50
Train set size: 1400, Pool set size: 38600
Test accuracy: 0.3843

Active learning iteration 21/50
Train set size: 1420, Pool set size: 38580
Test accuracy: 0.3860

Active learning iteration 22/50
Train set size: 1440, Pool set size: 38560
Test accuracy: 0.3837

Active learning iteration 23/50
Train set size: 1460, Pool set size: 38540
Test accuracy: 0.3799

Active learning iteration 24/50
Train set size: 1480, Pool set size: 38520
Test accuracy: 0.3591

Active learning iteration 25/50
Train set size: 1500, Pool set size: 38500
Test accuracy: 0.3926

Active learning iteration 26/50
Train set size: 1520, Pool set size: 38480
Test accuracy: 0.3903

Active learning iteration 27/50
Train set size: 1540, Pool set size: 38460
Test accuracy: 0.3960

Active learning iteration 28/50
Train set size: 1560, Pool set size: 38440
Test accuracy: 0.3824

Active learning iteration 29/50
Train set size: 1580, Pool set size: 38420
Test accuracy: 0.3941

Active learning iteration 30/50
Train set size: 1600, Pool set size: 38400
Test accuracy: 0.3977

Active learning iteration 31/50
Train set size: 1620, Pool set size: 38380
Test accuracy: 0.3928

Active learning iteration 32/50
Train set size: 1640, Pool set size: 38360
Test accuracy: 0.3870

Active learning iteration 33/50
Train set size: 1660, Pool set size: 38340
Test accuracy: 0.3995

Active learning iteration 34/50
Train set size: 1680, Pool set size: 38320
Test accuracy: 0.4075

Active learning iteration 35/50
Train set size: 1700, Pool set size: 38300
Test accuracy: 0.4020

Active learning iteration 36/50
Train set size: 1720, Pool set size: 38280
Test accuracy: 0.3941

Active learning iteration 37/50
Train set size: 1740, Pool set size: 38260
Test accuracy: 0.4062

Active learning iteration 38/50
Train set size: 1760, Pool set size: 38240
Test accuracy: 0.4101

Active learning iteration 39/50
Train set size: 1780, Pool set size: 38220
Test accuracy: 0.3931

Active learning iteration 40/50
Train set size: 1800, Pool set size: 38200
Test accuracy: 0.3932

Active learning iteration 41/50
Train set size: 1820, Pool set size: 38180
Test accuracy: 0.4135

Active learning iteration 42/50
Train set size: 1840, Pool set size: 38160
Test accuracy: 0.4065

Active learning iteration 43/50
Train set size: 1860, Pool set size: 38140
Test accuracy: 0.4134

Active learning iteration 44/50
Train set size: 1880, Pool set size: 38120
Test accuracy: 0.4129

Active learning iteration 45/50
Train set size: 1900, Pool set size: 38100
Test accuracy: 0.4169

Active learning iteration 46/50
Train set size: 1920, Pool set size: 38080
Test accuracy: 0.4140

Active learning iteration 47/50
Train set size: 1940, Pool set size: 38060
Test accuracy: 0.4044

Active learning iteration 48/50
Train set size: 1960, Pool set size: 38040
Test accuracy: 0.4225

Active learning iteration 49/50
Train set size: 1980, Pool set size: 38020
Test accuracy: 0.4159

Active learning iteration 50/50
Train set size: 2000, Pool set size: 38000
Test accuracy: 0.4221
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(mean_acc, label="Random sampling (mean)")
ax.fill_between(mean_acc.index, mean_acc-std_acc,
                 mean_acc+std_acc, alpha=0.2, label="Random sampling (std)")
ax.axhline(accuracy_only_train.cpu(), color='r', label='Only train')
ax.axhline(accuracy_train_plus_pool.cpu(), color='g', label='Train + pool')

pd.Series(test_acc_entropy).plot(ax=ax, label="Entropy sampling", color='C2')

ax.set_xlabel("Active learning iteration")
ax.set_ylabel("Test accuracy")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe70c114990>

def margin_sampling(model, pool_idx, train_idx, random_seed, query_size, X, y, device):
    with torch.no_grad():
        logits = model(X[pool_idx].to(device))    
        probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=1)
        margin = torch.topk(probs, 2, dim=1).values
        margin = margin[:, 0] - margin[:, 1]
        margin_sorted = margin.sort(descending=True)
        query_idx =[margin_sorted.indices[:query_size]]
    return query_idx.cpu()
margin_sampling(model_only_train, pool_idx, train_idx, 0, 5, X, y, device)
tensor([36785, 51553,  1668, 53790, 28164])
def diversity_sampling(model, pool_idx, train_idx, random_seed, query_size, X, y, device):
    with torch.no_grad():
        emb_pool = model.featurizer(X[pool_idx].to(device))
        emb_train = model.featurizer(X[train_idx].to(device))
        # Find the distance between each pool point and each train point
        dist = torch.cdist(emb_pool, emb_train)
        # Find the minimum distance for each pool point
        min_dist = dist.min(dim=1).values
        # Sort the pool points by minimum distance
        min_dist_sorted = min_dist.sort(descending=True)
        query_idx =[min_dist_sorted.indices[:query_size]]
    return query_idx.cpu()
diversity_sampling(model_only_train, pool_idx, train_idx, 0, 5, X, y, device)
torch.Size([39000, 1000])
tensor([20.9841, 14.6172, 21.3995,  ..., 22.9982, 18.0180, 20.0437],
tensor([40154, 26018, 15418, 18260, 43270])
# BALD sample dataset to illustrate the idea

pred_A = torch.tensor([0.5]*10).reshape(-1, 1, 1).repeat(1, 1, 2)
torch.Size([10, 1, 2])
tensor([[[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]],

        [[0.5000, 0.5000]]])
pred_B = torch.tensor([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]).repeat(5, 1).reshape(10, 1, 2)
torch.Size([10, 1, 2])
tensor([[[0., 1.]],

        [[1., 0.]],

        [[0., 1.]],

        [[1., 0.]],

        [[0., 1.]],

        [[1., 0.]],

        [[0., 1.]],

        [[1., 0.]],

        [[0., 1.]],

        [[1., 0.]]])
def BALD_score(logits):
    logits: (n_MC_passes, n_samples, n_classes)
    probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=2)
    expected_probs = probs.mean(dim=0) # Expectation over MC passes
    if bald_verbose:
    entropy_expected_probs = torch.sum(-expected_probs * torch.log(expected_probs), dim=1)
    if bald_verbose:
    entropy_probs = torch.sum(-probs * torch.log(probs), dim=2)
    if bald_verbose:
    expected_entropy_probs = entropy_probs.mean(dim=0)
    if bald_verbose:
    bald_score = entropy_expected_probs - expected_entropy_probs
    if bald_verbose:
    return bald_score
bald_verbose = True
s = BALD_score(torch.rand(100, 5, 3))
torch.Size([100, 5, 3])
torch.Size([5, 3])
torch.Size([100, 5])
bald_verbose = False

# Entropy
entropy_A = torch.sum(-pred_A.mean(dim=0) * torch.log(pred_A.mean(dim=0)), dim=1)
entropy_B = torch.sum(-pred_B.mean(dim=0) * torch.log(pred_B.mean(dim=0)), dim=1)

def BALD_sampling(model, pool_idx, train_idx, random_seed, query_size, X, y, device):
    model: MC dropout model
    # Evaluate the logits on the pool set for each MC pass
    n_MC_passes = 8
    logits = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        for mc_pass in range(n_MC_passes):
            # Set mode of model for MC dropout
    logits = torch.stack(logits)
    # print(logits.shape)
    bald_score = BALD_score(logits)
    bald_score_sorted = bald_score.sort(descending=True)
    query_idx =[bald_score_sorted.indices[:query_size]]
    return query_idx.cpu()
z = BALD_sampling(model_only_train, pool_idx, train_idx, 0, 5, X, y, device)
torch.Size([8, 39000, 10])
torch.Size([39000, 10])
torch.Size([8, 39000])
model_e = copy.deepcopy(model_only_train)
# AL loop

m, p_idx, t_idx, test_acc_margin  = al_loop(model_e, margin_sampling, num_al_iterations, 20, train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, X, y,device=device,verbose=True, random_seed=0)
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3521
Active learning iteration 1/50
Train set size: 1020, Pool set size: 38980
Test accuracy: 0.3521

Active learning iteration 2/50
Train set size: 1040, Pool set size: 38960
Test accuracy: 0.3510

Active learning iteration 3/50
Train set size: 1060, Pool set size: 38940
Test accuracy: 0.2814

Active learning iteration 4/50
Train set size: 1080, Pool set size: 38920
Test accuracy: 0.3350

Active learning iteration 5/50
Train set size: 1100, Pool set size: 38900
Test accuracy: 0.3204

Active learning iteration 6/50
Train set size: 1120, Pool set size: 38880
Test accuracy: 0.3264

Active learning iteration 7/50
Train set size: 1140, Pool set size: 38860
Test accuracy: 0.3409

Active learning iteration 8/50
Train set size: 1160, Pool set size: 38840
Test accuracy: 0.3454

Active learning iteration 9/50
Train set size: 1180, Pool set size: 38820
Test accuracy: 0.3625

Active learning iteration 10/50
Train set size: 1200, Pool set size: 38800
Test accuracy: 0.3419

Active learning iteration 11/50
Train set size: 1220, Pool set size: 38780
Test accuracy: 0.3574

Active learning iteration 12/50
Train set size: 1240, Pool set size: 38760
Test accuracy: 0.3632

Active learning iteration 13/50
Train set size: 1260, Pool set size: 38740
Test accuracy: 0.3593

Active learning iteration 14/50
Train set size: 1280, Pool set size: 38720
Test accuracy: 0.3571

Active learning iteration 15/50
Train set size: 1300, Pool set size: 38700
Test accuracy: 0.3683

Active learning iteration 16/50
Train set size: 1320, Pool set size: 38680
Test accuracy: 0.3810

Active learning iteration 17/50
Train set size: 1340, Pool set size: 38660
Test accuracy: 0.3817

Active learning iteration 18/50
Train set size: 1360, Pool set size: 38640
Test accuracy: 0.3795

Active learning iteration 19/50
Train set size: 1380, Pool set size: 38620
Test accuracy: 0.3812

Active learning iteration 20/50
Train set size: 1400, Pool set size: 38600
Test accuracy: 0.3898

Active learning iteration 21/50
Train set size: 1420, Pool set size: 38580
Test accuracy: 0.3847

Active learning iteration 22/50
Train set size: 1440, Pool set size: 38560
Test accuracy: 0.3881

Active learning iteration 23/50
Train set size: 1460, Pool set size: 38540
Test accuracy: 0.3826

Active learning iteration 24/50
Train set size: 1480, Pool set size: 38520
Test accuracy: 0.3846

Active learning iteration 25/50
Train set size: 1500, Pool set size: 38500
Test accuracy: 0.3821

Active learning iteration 26/50
Train set size: 1520, Pool set size: 38480
Test accuracy: 0.3795

Active learning iteration 27/50
Train set size: 1540, Pool set size: 38460
Test accuracy: 0.3668

Active learning iteration 28/50
Train set size: 1560, Pool set size: 38440
Test accuracy: 0.3878

Active learning iteration 29/50
Train set size: 1580, Pool set size: 38420
Test accuracy: 0.3817

Active learning iteration 30/50
Train set size: 1600, Pool set size: 38400
Test accuracy: 0.3943

Active learning iteration 31/50
Train set size: 1620, Pool set size: 38380
Test accuracy: 0.3880

Active learning iteration 32/50
Train set size: 1640, Pool set size: 38360
Test accuracy: 0.3844

Active learning iteration 33/50
Train set size: 1660, Pool set size: 38340
Test accuracy: 0.3962

Active learning iteration 34/50
Train set size: 1680, Pool set size: 38320
Test accuracy: 0.3863

Active learning iteration 35/50
Train set size: 1700, Pool set size: 38300
Test accuracy: 0.3951

Active learning iteration 36/50
Train set size: 1720, Pool set size: 38280
Test accuracy: 0.4009

Active learning iteration 37/50
Train set size: 1740, Pool set size: 38260
Test accuracy: 0.4013

Active learning iteration 38/50
Train set size: 1760, Pool set size: 38240
Test accuracy: 0.4113

Active learning iteration 39/50
Train set size: 1780, Pool set size: 38220
Test accuracy: 0.4067

Active learning iteration 40/50
Train set size: 1800, Pool set size: 38200
Test accuracy: 0.4026

Active learning iteration 41/50
Train set size: 1820, Pool set size: 38180
Test accuracy: 0.4134

Active learning iteration 42/50
Train set size: 1840, Pool set size: 38160
Test accuracy: 0.4095

Active learning iteration 43/50
Train set size: 1860, Pool set size: 38140
Test accuracy: 0.4150

Active learning iteration 44/50
Train set size: 1880, Pool set size: 38120
Test accuracy: 0.4081

Active learning iteration 45/50
Train set size: 1900, Pool set size: 38100
Test accuracy: 0.4110

Active learning iteration 46/50
Train set size: 1920, Pool set size: 38080
Test accuracy: 0.4203

Active learning iteration 47/50
Train set size: 1940, Pool set size: 38060
Test accuracy: 0.4192

Active learning iteration 48/50
Train set size: 1960, Pool set size: 38040
Test accuracy: 0.4165

Active learning iteration 49/50
Train set size: 1980, Pool set size: 38020
Test accuracy: 0.4135

Active learning iteration 50/50
Train set size: 2000, Pool set size: 38000
Test accuracy: 0.4199
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(mean_acc, label="Random sampling (mean)")
ax.fill_between(mean_acc.index, mean_acc-std_acc,
                 mean_acc+std_acc, alpha=0.2, label="Random sampling (std)")
ax.axhline(accuracy_only_train.cpu(), color='r', label='Only train')
ax.axhline(accuracy_train_plus_pool.cpu(), color='g', label='Train + pool')

pd.Series(test_acc_entropy).plot(ax=ax, label="Entropy sampling", color='C2')
pd.Series(test_acc_margin).plot(ax=ax, label="Margin sampling", color='C4')

ax.set_xlabel("Active learning iteration")
ax.set_ylabel("Test accuracy")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe752c68c10>

model_e = copy.deepcopy(model_only_train)
# AL loop

m, p_idx, t_idx, test_acc_diversity  = al_loop(model_e, diversity_sampling, num_al_iterations, 20, train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, X, y,device=device,verbose=True, random_seed=0)
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3542
torch.Size([39000, 1000])
tensor([23.6742, 16.5322, 23.8433,  ..., 25.6275, 19.5198, 21.9679],
Active learning iteration 1/50
Train set size: 1020, Pool set size: 38980
Test accuracy: 0.3542

torch.Size([38980, 1020])
tensor([22.4518, 17.6675, 18.1893,  ..., 20.2362, 19.4250, 20.4936],
Active learning iteration 2/50
Train set size: 1040, Pool set size: 38960
Test accuracy: 0.3567

torch.Size([38960, 1040])
tensor([18.6880, 14.2518, 21.2189,  ..., 23.0635, 16.1121, 19.2636],
Active learning iteration 3/50
Train set size: 1060, Pool set size: 38940
Test accuracy: 0.2866

torch.Size([38940, 1060])
tensor([19.6873, 18.1151, 18.7516,  ..., 22.0924, 15.2531, 17.8292],
Active learning iteration 4/50
Train set size: 1080, Pool set size: 38920
Test accuracy: 0.3207

torch.Size([38920, 1080])
tensor([18.8964, 17.3016, 17.7136,  ..., 21.9477, 16.0015, 18.8336],
Active learning iteration 5/50
Train set size: 1100, Pool set size: 38900
Test accuracy: 0.3307

torch.Size([38900, 1100])
tensor([17.6785, 15.6355, 21.0368,  ..., 24.9875, 18.3958, 19.8655],
Active learning iteration 6/50
Train set size: 1120, Pool set size: 38880
Test accuracy: 0.3469

torch.Size([38880, 1120])
tensor([17.3388, 19.3429, 19.3024,  ..., 22.3471, 19.8595, 17.8355],
Active learning iteration 7/50
Train set size: 1140, Pool set size: 38860
Test accuracy: 0.3280

torch.Size([38860, 1140])
tensor([20.5951, 14.4556, 17.5015,  ..., 23.5888, 17.3285, 17.5650],
Active learning iteration 8/50
Train set size: 1160, Pool set size: 38840
Test accuracy: 0.3269

torch.Size([38840, 1160])
tensor([19.8505, 16.7460, 16.7813,  ..., 21.0331, 14.3331, 18.0884],
Active learning iteration 9/50
Train set size: 1180, Pool set size: 38820
Test accuracy: 0.3533

torch.Size([38820, 1180])
tensor([17.8798, 16.4285, 19.6184,  ..., 22.6378, 16.6225, 16.5178],
Active learning iteration 10/50
Train set size: 1200, Pool set size: 38800
Test accuracy: 0.3647

torch.Size([38800, 1200])
tensor([14.8099, 20.4215, 17.6085,  ..., 17.5421, 17.3908, 15.8993],
Active learning iteration 11/50
Train set size: 1220, Pool set size: 38780
Test accuracy: 0.3538

torch.Size([38780, 1220])
tensor([12.3447, 16.7038, 19.9586,  ..., 16.9770, 13.5527, 16.1936],
Active learning iteration 12/50
Train set size: 1240, Pool set size: 38760
Test accuracy: 0.3765

torch.Size([38760, 1240])
tensor([10.8885, 15.6467, 17.1195,  ..., 17.9652, 14.7832, 14.1509],
Active learning iteration 13/50
Train set size: 1260, Pool set size: 38740
Test accuracy: 0.3505

torch.Size([38740, 1260])
tensor([10.9213, 16.9594, 14.1012,  ..., 16.9323, 18.8507, 20.4573],
Active learning iteration 14/50
Train set size: 1280, Pool set size: 38720
Test accuracy: 0.3765

torch.Size([38720, 1280])
tensor([15.6936, 12.4250, 13.8343,  ..., 20.8527, 11.3354, 17.0484],
Active learning iteration 15/50
Train set size: 1300, Pool set size: 38700
Test accuracy: 0.3702

torch.Size([38700, 1300])
tensor([11.7571, 11.6948, 15.0714,  ..., 22.1285, 11.6764, 18.9696],
Active learning iteration 16/50
Train set size: 1320, Pool set size: 38680
Test accuracy: 0.3780

torch.Size([38680, 1320])
tensor([11.6128, 13.6831, 19.4089,  ..., 19.8163, 13.5096, 17.7417],
Active learning iteration 17/50
Train set size: 1340, Pool set size: 38660
Test accuracy: 0.3753

torch.Size([38660, 1340])
tensor([12.7533, 12.5090, 13.7721,  ..., 21.9642, 11.7916, 16.0330],
Active learning iteration 18/50
Train set size: 1360, Pool set size: 38640
Test accuracy: 0.3789

torch.Size([38640, 1360])
tensor([13.6340, 18.0564, 16.5101,  ..., 17.5498, 13.4201, 14.1262],
Active learning iteration 19/50
Train set size: 1380, Pool set size: 38620
Test accuracy: 0.3869

torch.Size([38620, 1380])
tensor([14.3605, 13.9379, 13.9138,  ..., 16.9807, 11.0110, 17.9584],
Active learning iteration 20/50
Train set size: 1400, Pool set size: 38600
Test accuracy: 0.3820

torch.Size([38600, 1400])
tensor([ 9.3540, 15.1157, 15.3845,  ..., 20.5848, 13.5188, 20.3413],
Active learning iteration 21/50
Train set size: 1420, Pool set size: 38580
Test accuracy: 0.3829

torch.Size([38580, 1420])
tensor([10.9461, 13.1866, 12.9142,  ..., 19.3511, 18.5600, 15.6003],
Active learning iteration 22/50
Train set size: 1440, Pool set size: 38560
Test accuracy: 0.3918

torch.Size([38560, 1440])
tensor([15.2146, 13.9401,  9.8038,  ..., 18.6441, 13.0452, 14.2449],
Active learning iteration 23/50
Train set size: 1460, Pool set size: 38540
Test accuracy: 0.3908

torch.Size([38540, 1460])
tensor([14.3856, 16.2845, 14.8060,  ..., 18.1766, 11.5805, 15.7493],
Active learning iteration 24/50
Train set size: 1480, Pool set size: 38520
Test accuracy: 0.3958

torch.Size([38520, 1480])
tensor([16.1329, 12.1462, 12.3500,  ..., 20.0847, 14.8019, 18.0795],
Active learning iteration 25/50
Train set size: 1500, Pool set size: 38500
Test accuracy: 0.3991

torch.Size([38500, 1500])
tensor([14.5194, 17.3563, 11.2866,  ..., 17.4368, 17.8245, 15.1265],
Active learning iteration 26/50
Train set size: 1520, Pool set size: 38480
Test accuracy: 0.4013

torch.Size([38480, 1520])
tensor([ 8.8625, 14.8794, 16.4875,  ..., 15.7839, 19.6722, 18.8112],
Active learning iteration 27/50
Train set size: 1540, Pool set size: 38460
Test accuracy: 0.3947

torch.Size([38460, 1540])
tensor([15.0159, 16.4058, 11.9871,  ..., 12.9960, 13.1737, 16.7721],
Active learning iteration 28/50
Train set size: 1560, Pool set size: 38440
Test accuracy: 0.4047

torch.Size([38440, 1560])
tensor([13.5995, 16.1296, 13.3624,  ..., 17.0889, 16.3813, 17.3411],
Active learning iteration 29/50
Train set size: 1580, Pool set size: 38420
Test accuracy: 0.4072

torch.Size([38420, 1580])
tensor([12.3904, 15.0362, 17.8841,  ..., 17.0775, 18.0504, 11.0309],
Active learning iteration 30/50
Train set size: 1600, Pool set size: 38400
Test accuracy: 0.4116

torch.Size([38400, 1600])
tensor([12.9135,  9.6945, 15.8095,  ..., 17.2932, 15.5810, 16.3118],
Active learning iteration 31/50
Train set size: 1620, Pool set size: 38380
Test accuracy: 0.4063

torch.Size([38380, 1620])
tensor([15.4356, 10.6304, 16.7421,  ..., 17.1605, 11.3902, 15.2919],
Active learning iteration 32/50
Train set size: 1640, Pool set size: 38360
Test accuracy: 0.4078

torch.Size([38360, 1640])
tensor([16.1068,  9.7305, 13.4376,  ..., 17.2062, 15.9482, 16.0848],
Active learning iteration 33/50
Train set size: 1660, Pool set size: 38340
Test accuracy: 0.4086

torch.Size([38340, 1660])
tensor([15.3394, 13.6819, 14.6290,  ..., 18.6518, 14.8610, 17.4382],
Active learning iteration 34/50
Train set size: 1680, Pool set size: 38320
Test accuracy: 0.4124

torch.Size([38320, 1680])
tensor([14.2327,  9.8067, 15.7820,  ..., 16.4721, 14.0880, 16.4032],
Active learning iteration 35/50
Train set size: 1700, Pool set size: 38300
Test accuracy: 0.4086

torch.Size([38300, 1700])
tensor([14.0780,  9.1898, 14.8344,  ..., 14.7846, 16.5506, 12.5081],
Active learning iteration 36/50
Train set size: 1720, Pool set size: 38280
Test accuracy: 0.4203

torch.Size([38280, 1720])
tensor([13.1480, 14.5886, 18.0845,  ..., 12.8378, 17.5011, 10.9341],
Active learning iteration 37/50
Train set size: 1740, Pool set size: 38260
Test accuracy: 0.4083

torch.Size([38260, 1740])
tensor([14.2355, 13.3441, 16.4646,  ..., 15.7044, 17.7319, 10.2174],
Active learning iteration 38/50
Train set size: 1760, Pool set size: 38240
Test accuracy: 0.4027

torch.Size([38240, 1760])
tensor([16.9951, 10.9682, 16.2470,  ..., 15.9360, 17.6638, 13.6467],
Active learning iteration 39/50
Train set size: 1780, Pool set size: 38220
Test accuracy: 0.4056

torch.Size([38220, 1780])
tensor([16.6178, 15.3217, 19.2981,  ..., 12.2111, 17.7510, 15.2010],
Active learning iteration 40/50
Train set size: 1800, Pool set size: 38200
Test accuracy: 0.4103

torch.Size([38200, 1800])
tensor([10.2955, 12.8777, 16.5146,  ..., 14.0876, 11.8172, 14.9162],
Active learning iteration 41/50
Train set size: 1820, Pool set size: 38180
Test accuracy: 0.4151

torch.Size([38180, 1820])
tensor([11.0803, 11.2387, 15.0846,  ..., 15.4536, 13.5256, 13.8069],
Active learning iteration 42/50
Train set size: 1840, Pool set size: 38160
Test accuracy: 0.4102

torch.Size([38160, 1840])
tensor([12.8535,  9.4402, 12.2937,  ..., 16.5952,  8.8925, 15.5577],
Active learning iteration 43/50
Train set size: 1860, Pool set size: 38140
Test accuracy: 0.4118

torch.Size([38140, 1860])
tensor([13.1878, 10.5807, 10.3227,  ..., 14.9606,  8.5745, 12.8881],
Active learning iteration 44/50
Train set size: 1880, Pool set size: 38120
Test accuracy: 0.4146

torch.Size([38120, 1880])
tensor([12.5138,  9.2340, 12.3855,  ..., 15.4842,  9.8531, 14.1602],
Active learning iteration 45/50
Train set size: 1900, Pool set size: 38100
Test accuracy: 0.4131

torch.Size([38100, 1900])
tensor([ 9.8062, 12.2065, 13.1162,  ..., 15.4177,  9.6292, 12.2413],
Active learning iteration 46/50
Train set size: 1920, Pool set size: 38080
Test accuracy: 0.4139

torch.Size([38080, 1920])
tensor([11.2360, 11.6494, 14.7855,  ..., 13.6113,  9.9965, 12.6070],
Active learning iteration 47/50
Train set size: 1940, Pool set size: 38060
Test accuracy: 0.4215

torch.Size([38060, 1940])
tensor([ 9.1881, 12.8201, 10.3720,  ..., 19.3521,  9.2557, 13.7367],
Active learning iteration 48/50
Train set size: 1960, Pool set size: 38040
Test accuracy: 0.4202

torch.Size([38040, 1960])
tensor([ 9.4228,  9.1350, 12.4068,  ..., 16.4824,  8.6921, 14.4326],
Active learning iteration 49/50
Train set size: 1980, Pool set size: 38020
Test accuracy: 0.4300

torch.Size([38020, 1980])
tensor([ 8.9530, 10.3205, 14.8197,  ..., 16.3522,  8.9211, 11.4559],
Active learning iteration 50/50
Train set size: 2000, Pool set size: 38000
Test accuracy: 0.4309
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(mean_acc, label="Random sampling (mean)")
ax.fill_between(mean_acc.index, mean_acc-std_acc,
                 mean_acc+std_acc, alpha=0.2, label="Random sampling (std)")
ax.axhline(accuracy_only_train.cpu(), color='r', label='Only train')
ax.axhline(accuracy_train_plus_pool.cpu(), color='g', label='Train + pool')

pd.Series(test_acc_entropy).plot(ax=ax, label="Entropy sampling", color='C2')
pd.Series(test_acc_margin).plot(ax=ax, label="Margin sampling", color='C4')
pd.Series(test_acc_diversity).plot(ax=ax, label="Diversity sampling", color='C5')

ax.set_xlabel("Active learning iteration")
ax.set_ylabel("Test accuracy")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe752d57850>

bald_verbose = False
model_e = copy.deepcopy(model_only_train)
# AL loop

m, p_idx, t_idx, test_acc_bald  = al_loop(model_e, BALD_sampling, num_al_iterations, 20, train_idx, pool_idx, test_idx, query_size, X, y,device=device,verbose=True, random_seed=0)
Initial train size: torch.Size([1000])
Initial pool size: torch.Size([39000])
Test accuracy before AL: 0.3521
Active learning iteration 1/50
Train set size: 1020, Pool set size: 38980
Test accuracy: 0.3521

Active learning iteration 2/50
Train set size: 1040, Pool set size: 38960
Test accuracy: 0.3523

Active learning iteration 3/50
Train set size: 1060, Pool set size: 38940
Test accuracy: 0.3150

Active learning iteration 4/50
Train set size: 1080, Pool set size: 38920
Test accuracy: 0.3273

Active learning iteration 5/50
Train set size: 1100, Pool set size: 38900
Test accuracy: 0.3360

Active learning iteration 6/50
Train set size: 1120, Pool set size: 38880
Test accuracy: 0.3395

Active learning iteration 7/50
Train set size: 1140, Pool set size: 38860
Test accuracy: 0.3402

Active learning iteration 8/50
Train set size: 1160, Pool set size: 38840
Test accuracy: 0.3465

Active learning iteration 9/50
Train set size: 1180, Pool set size: 38820
Test accuracy: 0.3492

Active learning iteration 10/50
Train set size: 1200, Pool set size: 38800
Test accuracy: 0.3594

Active learning iteration 11/50
Train set size: 1220, Pool set size: 38780
Test accuracy: 0.3620

Active learning iteration 12/50
Train set size: 1240, Pool set size: 38760
Test accuracy: 0.3763

Active learning iteration 13/50
Train set size: 1260, Pool set size: 38740
Test accuracy: 0.3712

Active learning iteration 14/50
Train set size: 1280, Pool set size: 38720
Test accuracy: 0.3748

Active learning iteration 15/50
Train set size: 1300, Pool set size: 38700
Test accuracy: 0.3703

Active learning iteration 16/50
Train set size: 1320, Pool set size: 38680
Test accuracy: 0.3769

Active learning iteration 17/50
Train set size: 1340, Pool set size: 38660
Test accuracy: 0.3837

Active learning iteration 18/50
Train set size: 1360, Pool set size: 38640
Test accuracy: 0.3850

Active learning iteration 19/50
Train set size: 1380, Pool set size: 38620
Test accuracy: 0.3856

Active learning iteration 20/50
Train set size: 1400, Pool set size: 38600
Test accuracy: 0.3864

Active learning iteration 21/50
Train set size: 1420, Pool set size: 38580
Test accuracy: 0.3983

Active learning iteration 22/50
Train set size: 1440, Pool set size: 38560
Test accuracy: 0.3892

Active learning iteration 23/50
Train set size: 1460, Pool set size: 38540
Test accuracy: 0.3960

Active learning iteration 24/50
Train set size: 1480, Pool set size: 38520
Test accuracy: 0.3946

Active learning iteration 25/50
Train set size: 1500, Pool set size: 38500
Test accuracy: 0.4018

Active learning iteration 26/50
Train set size: 1520, Pool set size: 38480
Test accuracy: 0.4090

Active learning iteration 27/50
Train set size: 1540, Pool set size: 38460
Test accuracy: 0.4011

Active learning iteration 28/50
Train set size: 1560, Pool set size: 38440
Test accuracy: 0.3966

Active learning iteration 29/50
Train set size: 1580, Pool set size: 38420
Test accuracy: 0.3931

Active learning iteration 30/50
Train set size: 1600, Pool set size: 38400
Test accuracy: 0.4018

Active learning iteration 31/50
Train set size: 1620, Pool set size: 38380
Test accuracy: 0.4026

Active learning iteration 32/50
Train set size: 1640, Pool set size: 38360
Test accuracy: 0.4106

Active learning iteration 33/50
Train set size: 1660, Pool set size: 38340
Test accuracy: 0.4172

Active learning iteration 34/50
Train set size: 1680, Pool set size: 38320
Test accuracy: 0.4182

Active learning iteration 35/50
Train set size: 1700, Pool set size: 38300
Test accuracy: 0.4261

Active learning iteration 36/50
Train set size: 1720, Pool set size: 38280
Test accuracy: 0.4175

Active learning iteration 37/50
Train set size: 1740, Pool set size: 38260
Test accuracy: 0.4292

Active learning iteration 38/50
Train set size: 1760, Pool set size: 38240
Test accuracy: 0.4201

Active learning iteration 39/50
Train set size: 1780, Pool set size: 38220
Test accuracy: 0.4175

Active learning iteration 40/50
Train set size: 1800, Pool set size: 38200
Test accuracy: 0.4160

Active learning iteration 41/50
Train set size: 1820, Pool set size: 38180
Test accuracy: 0.4215

Active learning iteration 42/50
Train set size: 1840, Pool set size: 38160
Test accuracy: 0.4152

Active learning iteration 43/50
Train set size: 1860, Pool set size: 38140
Test accuracy: 0.4373

Active learning iteration 44/50
Train set size: 1880, Pool set size: 38120
Test accuracy: 0.4386

Active learning iteration 45/50
Train set size: 1900, Pool set size: 38100
Test accuracy: 0.4318

Active learning iteration 46/50
Train set size: 1920, Pool set size: 38080
Test accuracy: 0.4395

Active learning iteration 47/50
Train set size: 1940, Pool set size: 38060
Test accuracy: 0.4304

Active learning iteration 48/50
Train set size: 1960, Pool set size: 38040
Test accuracy: 0.4372

Active learning iteration 49/50
Train set size: 1980, Pool set size: 38020
Test accuracy: 0.4413

Active learning iteration 50/50
Train set size: 2000, Pool set size: 38000
Test accuracy: 0.4262
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(mean_acc, label="Random sampling (mean)")
ax.fill_between(mean_acc.index, mean_acc-std_acc,
                 mean_acc+std_acc, alpha=0.2, label="Random sampling (std)")
ax.axhline(accuracy_only_train.cpu(), color='r', label='Only train')
ax.axhline(accuracy_train_plus_pool.cpu(), color='g', label='Train + pool')

pd.Series(test_acc_entropy).plot(ax=ax, label="Entropy sampling", color='C2')
pd.Series(test_acc_margin).plot(ax=ax, label="Margin sampling", color='C4')
pd.Series(test_acc_diversity).plot(ax=ax, label="Diversity sampling", color='C5')
pd.Series(test_acc_bald).plot(ax=ax, label="BALD sampling", color='C6')

ax.set_xlabel("Active learning iteration")
ax.set_ylabel("Test accuracy")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe752f24ed0>