Biased and Unbiased Estimators

Biased and Unbiased Estimators

Nipun Batra


July 12, 2023

import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

# Retina display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from tueplots import bundles

# Also add despine to the bundle using rcParams
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
plt.rcParams[''] = False

# Increase font size to match Beamer template
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16
# Make background transparent
plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'none'
dist = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1)

# Generate data
data = dist.sample((100,))

# Plot data
_ = sns.displot(data, kde=True)
/home/nipun.batra/miniforge3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/ UserWarning: This figure was using constrained_layout, but that is incompatible with subplots_adjust and/or tight_layout; disabling constrained_layout.
  self._figure.tight_layout(*args, **kwargs)

std(input, dim=None, *, correction=1, keepdim=False, out=None) -> Tensor

Calculates the standard deviation over the dimensions specified by :attr:`dim`.
:attr:`dim` can be a single dimension, list of dimensions, or ``None`` to
reduce over all dimensions.

The standard deviation (:math:`\sigma`) is calculated as

.. math:: \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N - \delta N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}

where :math:`x` is the sample set of elements, :math:`\bar{x}` is the
sample mean, :math:`N` is the number of samples and :math:`\delta N` is
the :attr:`correction`.

If :attr:`keepdim` is ``True``, the output tensor is of the same size
as :attr:`input` except in the dimension(s) :attr:`dim` where it is of size 1.
Otherwise, :attr:`dim` is squeezed (see :func:`torch.squeeze`), resulting in the
output tensor having 1 (or ``len(dim)``) fewer dimension(s).

    input (Tensor): the input tensor.
    dim (int or tuple of ints): the dimension or dimensions to reduce.

Keyword args:
    correction (int): difference between the sample size and sample degrees of freedom.
        Defaults to `Bessel's correction`_, ``correction=1``.

        .. versionchanged:: 2.0
            Previously this argument was called ``unbiased`` and was a boolean
            with ``True`` corresponding to ``correction=1`` and ``False`` being
    keepdim (bool): whether the output tensor has :attr:`dim` retained or not.
    out (Tensor, optional): the output tensor.


    >>> a = torch.tensor(
    ...     [[ 0.2035,  1.2959,  1.8101, -0.4644],
    ...      [ 1.5027, -0.3270,  0.5905,  0.6538],
    ...      [-1.5745,  1.3330, -0.5596, -0.6548],
    ...      [ 0.1264, -0.5080,  1.6420,  0.1992]])
    >>> torch.std(a, dim=1, keepdim=True)

.. _Bessel's correction:
Type:      builtin_function_or_method
np.std(data.numpy()), pd.Series(data.numpy()).std(), torch.std(data), torch.std(data, correction=0)
(1.0807172, 1.0861616, tensor(1.0862), tensor(1.0807))
# Population
norm = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1)
xs = torch.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
ys = torch.exp(norm.log_prob(xs))
plt.plot(xs, ys)
plt.title('Population Distribution')

population = norm.sample((100000,))
plt.scatter(population, torch.zeros_like(population),  marker='|', alpha=0.1)

plt.plot(xs, ys)
sample_1 = population[torch.randperm(population.size(0))[:10]]
sample_2 = population[torch.randperm(population.size(0))[:10]]
plt.scatter(sample_1, torch.zeros_like(sample_1),label='sample 1')
plt.scatter(sample_2, torch.zeros_like(sample_2),  label='sample 2')

norm = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1)
population = norm.sample((100000,))

def plot_fit(seed, num_samples):
    # Select a random sample of size num_samples from the population
    data = population[torch.randperm(population.shape[0])[:num_samples]]
    mu = data.mean()
    sigma_2 = data.var(correction=0)

    # Plot data scatter
    plt.scatter(data, torch.zeros_like(data), color='black', marker='x', zorder=10, label='samples')
    # Plot true distribution
    x = torch.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
    plt.plot(x, norm.log_prob(x).exp(), color='black', label='true distribution')
    # Plot estimated distribution
    est = torch.distributions.Normal(mu, sigma_2.sqrt())
    plt.plot(x, est.log_prob(x).exp(), color='red', label='estimated distribution')
    plt.title(f"Sample size: {num_samples}\n" +fr"Sample parameters: $\hat{{\mu}}={mu:0.02f}$, $\hat{{\sigma^2}}={sigma_2:0.02f}$")
    plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.2)
    plt.savefig(f"../figures/mle/biased-mle-normal-{num_samples}-{seed}.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
    return mu, sigma_2
N_samples = 100
mus = {}
sigmas = {}
for draw in [3, 4, 5, 10, 100]:
    mus[draw] = torch.zeros(N_samples)
    sigmas[draw] = torch.zeros(N_samples)
    for i in range(N_samples):
        mus[draw][i], sigmas[draw][i] = plot_fit(i, draw)

for draw in [3, 4, 5, 10, 100]:
    plt.scatter(mus[draw], sigmas[draw])
    plt.axhline(y=1, color='k', linestyle='--', label=r'$\sigma^2$')
    plt.axvline(x=0, color='g', linestyle='-.', label=r'$\mu$')
    plt.title(f'Sample size={draw}\n'+ fr'$E[\hat{{\mu}}] = {mus[draw].mean():0.2f}$ $E[\hat{{\sigma^2}}] = {sigmas[draw].mean():0.2f}$ ')
    plt.savefig(f"../figures/mle/biased-mle-normal-scatter-{draw}.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')

df = pd.DataFrame({draw: 
              for draw in [3, 4, 5, 10, 100]}).mean()
df.plot(kind='bar', rot=0)
plt.axhline(1, color='k', linestyle='--')
# Put numbers on top of bars
for i, v in enumerate(df):
    plt.text(i - .1, v + .01, f'{v:.3f}', color='k', fontsize=12)

plt.xlabel("Sample size (N)")
plt.ylabel("Estimated standard deviation")
plt.savefig('../figures/biased-mle-variance-quality.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

3      0.981293
4      1.014205
5      0.952345
10     1.022295
100    0.985779
dtype: float64
df_unbiased = df*(df.index/(df.index-1.0))

df_unbiased.plot(kind='bar', rot=0)
plt.axhline(1, color='k', linestyle='--')
# Put numbers on top of bars
for i, v in enumerate(df_unbiased):
    plt.text(i - .1, v + .01, f'{v:.3f}', color='k', fontsize=12)

plt.xlabel("Sample size (N)")
plt.ylabel("Corrected standard deviation")
plt.savefig('../figures/corrected-mle-variance-quality.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')