import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
# Retina display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from jax import random
import warnings
'figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True plt.rcParams[
Vanilla Linear Regression
import seaborn as sns
"notebook") sns.set_context(
= "" + "2cf9d101992cb1b78c2cdd6e3bac6a4b/raw/"+ "43034c39052dcf97d4b894d2ec1bc3f90f3623d9/"+ "osic_pulmonary_fibrosis.csv" URL
= pd.read_csv(URL)
train train.head()
Patient | Weeks | FVC | Percent | Age | Sex | SmokingStatus | |
0 | ID00007637202177411956430 | -4 | 2315 | 58.253649 | 79 | Male | Ex-smoker |
1 | ID00007637202177411956430 | 5 | 2214 | 55.712129 | 79 | Male | Ex-smoker |
2 | ID00007637202177411956430 | 7 | 2061 | 51.862104 | 79 | Male | Ex-smoker |
3 | ID00007637202177411956430 | 9 | 2144 | 53.950679 | 79 | Male | Ex-smoker |
4 | ID00007637202177411956430 | 11 | 2069 | 52.063412 | 79 | Male | Ex-smoker |
Weeks | FVC | Percent | Age | |
count | 1549.000000 | 1549.000000 | 1549.000000 | 1549.000000 |
mean | 31.861846 | 2690.479019 | 77.672654 | 67.188509 |
std | 23.247550 | 832.770959 | 19.823261 | 7.057395 |
min | -5.000000 | 827.000000 | 28.877577 | 49.000000 |
25% | 12.000000 | 2109.000000 | 62.832700 | 63.000000 |
50% | 28.000000 | 2641.000000 | 75.676937 | 68.000000 |
75% | 47.000000 | 3171.000000 | 88.621065 | 72.000000 |
max | 133.000000 | 6399.000000 | 153.145378 | 88.000000 |
# Number of unique patients
'Patient'].nunique() train[
#Number of records per patient
train["Number of weeks")
plt.xlabel("Number of Patients") plt.ylabel(
Text(0, 0.5, 'Number of Patients')
def chart_patient(patient_id, ax):
= train[train["Patient"] == patient_id]
data = data["Weeks"]
x = data["FVC"]
y =8)
ax.set_title(patient_id, fontsize=x, y=y, ax=ax, ci=None, line_kws={"color": "black", "lw":2})
= plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True)
f, axes "ID00007637202177411956430", axes[0])
chart_patient("ID00009637202177434476278", axes[1])
chart_patient("ID00010637202177584971671", axes[2])
chart_patient( f.tight_layout()
import numpyro
except ImportError:
%pip install numpyro
import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
= train["Weeks"].values
sample_weeks = train["FVC"].values sample_fvc
### Linear regression from scikit-learn
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
= LinearRegression()
lr -1, 1), sample_fvc)
LinearRegression()In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
= np.arange(-12, 134, 1) all_weeks
# Plot the data and the regression line
plt.scatter(sample_weeks, sample_fvc, alpha-1, 1)), color="black", lw=2)
plt.plot(all_weeks, lr.predict(all_weeks.reshape("Weeks")
plt.xlabel("FVC") plt.ylabel(
Text(0, 0.5, 'FVC')
lr.coef_, lr.intercept_
(array([-1.48471319]), 2737.784722381955)
# Finding the mean absolute error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
= {}
maes "LinearRegression"] = mean_absolute_error(sample_fvc, lr.predict(sample_weeks.reshape(-1, 1)))
maes[ maes
{'LinearRegression': 654.8103093180237}
Pooled model
\(\alpha \sim \text{Normal}(0, 500)\)
\(\beta \sim \text{Normal}(0, 500)\)
\(\sigma \sim \text{HalfNormal}(100)\)
for i in range(N_Weeks):
\(FVC_i \sim \text{Normal}(\alpha + \beta \cdot Week_i, \sigma)\)
def pooled_model(sample_weeks, sample_fvc=None):
= numpyro.sample("α", dist.Normal(0., 500.))
α = numpyro.sample("β", dist.Normal(0., 500.))
β = numpyro.sample("σ", dist.HalfNormal(50.))
σ with numpyro.plate("samples", len(sample_weeks)):
= numpyro.sample("fvc", dist.Normal(α + β * sample_weeks, σ), obs=sample_fvc)
fvc return fvc
# Render the model graph
={"sample_weeks": sample_weeks, "sample_fvc": sample_fvc},
numpyro.render_model(pooled_model, model_kwargs=True,
render_params )
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
= LabelEncoder()
patient_encoder "patient_code"] = patient_encoder.fit_transform(train["Patient"].values) train[
= train["patient_code"].values sample_patient_code
array([ 0, 0, 0, ..., 175, 175, 175])
from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, Predictive
= NUTS(pooled_model)
= MCMC(nuts_kernel, num_samples=4000, num_warmup=2000)
mcmc = random.PRNGKey(0) rng_key
WARNING:jax._src.xla_bridge:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
=sample_weeks, sample_fvc=sample_fvc), sample_weeks= mcmc.get_samples() posterior_samples
sample: 100%|██████████| 6000/6000 [00:05<00:00, 1137.39it/s, 7 steps of size 5.24e-01. acc. prob=0.88]
import arviz as az
= az.from_numpyro(mcmc)
idata =True); az.plot_trace(idata, compact
# Summary statistics
=2) az.summary(idata, round_to
Shape validation failed: input_shape: (1, 4000), minimum_shape: (chains=2, draws=4)
mean | sd | hdi_3% | hdi_97% | mcse_mean | mcse_sd | ess_bulk | ess_tail | r_hat | |
α | 2724.98 | 33.46 | 2663.52 | 2786.90 | 0.74 | 0.52 | 2052.67 | 1952.52 | NaN |
β | -1.22 | 0.85 | -2.80 | 0.43 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 1955.95 | 2019.17 | NaN |
σ | 775.05 | 12.03 | 752.85 | 797.95 | 0.25 | 0.17 | 2411.55 | 2720.36 | NaN |
# Predictive distribution
= Predictive(pooled_model, mcmc.get_samples()) predictive
<numpyro.infer.util.Predictive at 0x7d2774b0b0a0>
= predictive(rng_key, all_weeks, None) predictions
"fvc"]).mean().plot() pd.DataFrame(predictions[
<Axes: >
plt.plot(all_weeks, predictions[=0.1) plt.scatter(sample_weeks, sample_fvc, alpha
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7d2774851d50>
# Get the mean and standard deviation of the predictions
= predictions["fvc"].mean(axis=0)
mu = predictions["fvc"].std(axis=0)
# Plot the predictions
plt.plot(all_weeks, mu)- 1.96*sigma, mu + 1.96*sigma, alpha=0.2)
plt.fill_between(all_weeks, mu =0.2)
plt.scatter(sample_weeks, sample_fvc, alpha"Weeks")
plt.xlabel("FVC") plt.ylabel(
Text(0, 0.5, 'FVC')
= predictive(rng_key, sample_weeks, None)['fvc']
preds_pooled = preds_pooled.mean(axis=0)
predictions_train_pooled = preds_pooled.std(axis=0) std_train_pooled
### Computing Mean Absolute Error and Coverage at 95% confidence interval
"PooledModel"] = mean_absolute_error(sample_fvc, predictions_train_pooled)
maes[ maes
{'LinearRegression': 654.8103093180237, 'PooledModel': 654.6283571306085}
### Computing the coverage at 95% confidence interval
def coverage(y_true, y_pred, sigma):
= y_pred - 1.96 * sigma
lower = y_pred + 1.96 * sigma
upper return np.mean((y_true >= lower) & (y_true <= upper))
= {}
coverages "pooled"] = coverage(sample_fvc, predictions_train_pooled, std_train_pooled).item()
coverages[ coverages
{'pooled': 0.9399612545967102}
The above numbers are comparable, which is a good sign. Let’s see if we can do better with a personalised model.
Unpooled Model
\(\sigma \sim \text{HalfNormal}(20)\)
for p in range(N_patients):
\(\alpha_p \sim \text{Normal}(0, 500)\)
\(\beta_p \sim \text{Normal}(0, 500)\)
for PAT in range(N_patients):
for i in range(N_Weeks):
\(FVC_i \sim \text{Normal}(\alpha_{p}[PAT] + \beta_{p}[PAT] \cdot Week_i, \sigma)\)
# Unpooled model
def unpool_model(sample_weeks, sample_patient_code, sample_fvc=None):
= numpyro.sample("σ", dist.HalfNormal(20.))
σ with numpyro.plate("patients", sample_patient_code.max() + 1):
= numpyro.sample("α_p", dist.Normal(0, 500.))
α_p = numpyro.sample("β_p", dist.Normal(0, 500.))
β_p with numpyro.plate("samples", len(sample_weeks)):
= numpyro.sample("fvc", numpyro.distributions.Normal(α_p[sample_patient_code] +
fvc * sample_weeks, σ),
β_p[sample_patient_code] =sample_fvc)
obsreturn fvc
# Render the model graph
= {"sample_weeks": sample_weeks,
model_kwargs "sample_patient_code": sample_patient_code,
"sample_fvc": sample_fvc}
numpyro.render_model(unpool_model, model_kwargs=True,
render_params )
= NUTS(unpool_model)
= MCMC(nuts_kernel_unpooled, num_samples=200, num_warmup=500)
mcmc_unpooled = random.PRNGKey(0) rng_key
{'sample_weeks': array([-4, 5, 7, ..., 31, 43, 59]),
'sample_patient_code': array([ 0, 0, 0, ..., 175, 175, 175]),
'sample_fvc': array([2315, 2214, 2061, ..., 2908, 2975, 2774])}
= mcmc_unpooled.get_samples() posterior_samples
sample: 100%|██████████| 700/700 [00:07<00:00, 90.53it/s, 63 steps of size 9.00e-02. acc. prob=0.91]
=True); az.plot_trace(az.from_numpyro(mcmc_unpooled), compact
# Predictive distribution for unpooled model
= Predictive(unpool_model, mcmc_unpooled.get_samples()) predictive_unpooled
# Predictive distribution for unpooled model for all weeks for a given patient
= np.arange(-12, 134, 1)
all_weeks def predict_unpooled(patient_code):
= predictive_unpooled(rng_key, all_weeks, patient_code)
predictions = predictions["fvc"].mean(axis=0)
mu = predictions["fvc"].std(axis=0)
sigma return mu, sigma
# Plot the predictions for a given patient
def plot_patient(patient_code):
= predict_unpooled(patient_code)
mu, sigma
plt.plot(all_weeks, mu)- 1.96*sigma, mu + 1.96*sigma, alpha=0.6)
plt.fill_between(all_weeks, mu = patient_encoder.inverse_transform(patient_code)[0]
id_to_patient = train[train["Patient"] == id_to_patient]["Weeks"]
patient_weeks = train[train["Patient"] == id_to_patient]["FVC"]
patient_fvc =0.5)
plt.scatter(patient_weeks, patient_fvc, alpha"Weeks")
plt.ylabel( plt.title(id_to_patient)
= False plot_pooled
def plot_total(patient_id = 0, plot_pooled = False):
plot_patient(np.array([patient_id]))if plot_pooled:
plt.plot(all_weeks, mu, color- 1.96*sigma, mu + 1.96*sigma, alpha=0.05, color='g')
plt.fill_between(all_weeks, mu
0, True) plot_total(
0, True) plot_total(
1, True) plot_total(
3) plot_total(
Computing metrics on the training set for unpool_model
= predictive_unpooled(rng_key,
train[ predictions_train_unpooled.shape
(200, 1549)
= predictions_train_unpooled.mean(axis=0)
mu_predictions_train_unpooled = predictions_train_unpooled.std(axis=0)
"UnpooledModel"] = mean_absolute_error(sample_fvc, mu_predictions_train_unpooled)
maes[ maes
{'LinearRegression': 654.8103093180237,
'PooledModel': 654.6283571306085,
'UnpooledModel': 98.18583518632232}
"unpooled"] = coverage(sample_fvc, mu_predictions_train_unpooled, std_predictions_train_unpooled).item()
coverages[ coverages
{'pooled': 0.9399612545967102, 'unpooled': 0.974822461605072}
Exercise: Another variation of unpooled model
# Unpooled model
def unpool_model_var(sample_weeks, sample_patient_code, sample_fvc=None):
with numpyro.plate("patients", sample_patient_code.max() + 1):
= numpyro.sample("α_p", dist.Normal(0, 500.))
α_p = numpyro.sample("β_p", dist.Normal(0, 500.))
β_p = numpyro.sample("σ_p", dist.HalfNormal(20.))
σ_p with numpyro.plate("samples", len(sample_weeks)):
= numpyro.sample("fvc", numpyro.distributions.Normal(α_p[sample_patient_code] +
fvc * sample_weeks,
obsreturn fvc
# Plot graphical model
numpyro.render_model(unpool_model_var, model_kwargs=True,
render_params )
= NUTS(unpool_model_var)
= MCMC(nuts_kernel_unpooled_2, num_samples=400, num_warmup=500)
mcmc_unpooled_2 = random.PRNGKey(0)
= mcmc_unpooled_2.get_samples() posterior_samples_2
sample: 100%|██████████| 900/900 [00:08<00:00, 102.48it/s, 63 steps of size 8.17e-02. acc. prob=0.88]
=True); az.plot_trace(az.from_numpyro(mcmc_unpooled_2), compact
# Predictive distribution for unpooled model variation 2
= Predictive(unpool_model_var, mcmc_unpooled_2.get_samples()) predictive_unpooled_2
= predictive_unpooled_2(rng_key,
= predictions_train_unpooled_2.mean(axis=0)
mu_predictions_train_unpooled_2 = predictions_train_unpooled_2.std(axis=0)
"UnpooledModel2"] = mean_absolute_error(sample_fvc, mu_predictions_train_unpooled_2)
"unpooled2"] = coverage(sample_fvc, mu_predictions_train_unpooled_2, std_predictions_train_unpooled_2).item()
{'LinearRegression': 654.8103093180237, 'PooledModel': 654.6283571306085, 'UnpooledModel': 98.18583518632232, 'UnpooledModel2': 81.93005607511398}
{'pooled': 0.9399612545967102, 'unpooled': 0.974822461605072, 'unpooled2': 0.886378288269043}
Hierarchical model
\(\sigma \sim \text{HalfNormal}(100)\)
\(\mu_{\alpha} \sim \text{Normal}(0, 500)\)
\(\sigma_{\alpha} \sim \text{HalfNormal}(100)\)
\(\mu_{\beta} \sim \text{Normal}(0, 500)\)
\(\sigma_{\beta} \sim \text{HalfNormal}(100)\)
for p in range(N_patients):
\(\alpha_p \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_{\alpha}, \sigma_{\alpha})\)
\(\beta_p \sim \text{Normal}(\mu_{\beta}, \sigma_{\beta})\)
for i in range(N_Weeks):
\(FVC_i \sim \text{Normal}(\alpha_{p[i]} + \beta_{p[i]} \cdot Week_i, \sigma)\)
### Hierarchical model
def final_model(sample_weeks, sample_patient_code, sample_fvc=None):
= numpyro.sample("μ_α", dist.Normal(0.0, 500.0))
μ_α = numpyro.sample("σ_α", dist.HalfNormal(100.0))
σ_α = numpyro.sample("μ_β", dist.Normal(0.0, 3.0))
μ_β = numpyro.sample("σ_β", dist.HalfNormal(3.0))
= len(np.unique(sample_patient_code))
with numpyro.plate("Participants", n_patients):
= numpyro.sample("α", dist.Normal(μ_α, σ_α))
α = numpyro.sample("β", dist.Normal(μ_β, σ_β))
= numpyro.sample("σ", dist.HalfNormal(100.0))
σ = α[sample_patient_code] + β[sample_patient_code] * sample_weeks
with numpyro.plate("data", len(sample_patient_code)):
"fvc", dist.Normal(FVC_est, σ), obs=sample_fvc) numpyro.sample(
# Render the model graph
numpyro.render_model(final_model, model_kwargs=True,
render_params )
= NUTS(final_model)
= MCMC(nuts_final, num_samples=4000, num_warmup=2000)
mcmc_final = random.PRNGKey(0) rng_key
sample: 100%|██████████| 6000/6000 [00:50<00:00, 117.83it/s, 63 steps of size 1.04e-02. acc. prob=0.84]
= Predictive(final_model, mcmc_final.get_samples()) predictive_final
=True); az.plot_trace(az.from_numpyro(mcmc_final), compact
= Predictive(final_model, mcmc_final.get_samples()) predictive_hierarchical
= predictive_hierarchical(rng_key,
predictions_train_hierarchical = model_kwargs["sample_weeks"],
sample_weeks = model_kwargs["sample_patient_code"])['fvc']
= predictions_train_hierarchical.mean(axis=0)
mu_predictions_train_h = predictions_train_hierarchical.std(axis=0)
"Hierarchical"] = mean_absolute_error(sample_fvc, mu_predictions_train_h)
"Hierarchical"] = coverage(sample_fvc, mu_predictions_train_h, std_predictions_train_h).item()
{'LinearRegression': 654.8103093180237, 'PooledModel': 654.6283571306085, 'UnpooledModel': 98.18583518632232, 'UnpooledModel2': 81.93005607511398, 'Hierarchical': 83.05726212759492}
{'pooled': 0.9399612545967102, 'unpooled': 0.974822461605072, 'unpooled2': 0.886378288269043, 'Hierarchical': 0.9754680395126343}
LinearRegression 654.810309
PooledModel 654.628357
UnpooledModel 98.185835
UnpooledModel2 81.930056
Hierarchical 83.057262
dtype: float64
# Predict for a given patient
def predict_final(patient_code):
= predictive_final(rng_key, all_weeks, patient_code)
predictions = predictions["fvc"].mean(axis=0)
mu = predictions["fvc"].std(axis=0)
sigma return mu, sigma
# Plot the predictions for a given patient
def plot_patient_final(patient_code):
= predict_final(patient_code)
mu, sigma
plt.plot(all_weeks, mu)- sigma, mu + sigma, alpha=0.1)
plt.fill_between(all_weeks, mu = patient_encoder.inverse_transform([patient_code])[0]
id_to_patient #print(id_to_patient[0], patient_code)
#print(patient_code, id_to_patient)
= train[train["Patient"] == id_to_patient]["Weeks"]
patient_weeks = train[train["Patient"] == id_to_patient]["FVC"]
patient_fvc =0.5)
plt.scatter(patient_weeks, patient_fvc, alpha#plt.scatter(sample_weeks[train["patient_code"] == patient_code.item()], fvc[train["patient_code"] == patient_code.item()], alpha=0.5)
plt.ylabel(0]) plt.title(patient_encoder.inverse_transform([patient_code])[
# plot for a given patient
0])) plot_patient_final(np.array([
0) plot_total(
Questions to ponder
- Incorporating extra information
- How to get
for sklearn model - How to predict for a new partipant in the hierarchical model
- Assuming they have some observations
- Add the data from this participant at the training time
- “Fine-tune” on this participant data
- Assuming they do not have any observations
- Assuming they have some observations