import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Retina display
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import warnings
'ignore') warnings.filterwarnings(
from tueplots import bundles
# Also add despine to the bundle using rcParams
'axes.spines.right'] = False
plt.rcParams[''] = False
# Increase font size to match Beamer template
'font.size'] = 16
plt.rcParams[# Make background transparent
'figure.facecolor'] = 'none' plt.rcParams[
import torch.distributions as dist
= 0.9 theta
def prob(theta, data):
= dist.Bernoulli(probs=theta)
dist2 = np.exp(1)
prob for i in range(len(data)):
*= dist2.log_prob(data[i]).exp()
prob return prob
= []
probs = dist.Bernoulli(probs=theta)
ber = ber.sample((10,)) data
= np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, 100)
thetas for i in range(100):
= dist.Bernoulli(torch.tensor([theta]))
ber =thetas[i], data=data)) probs.append(prob(theta
= torch.tensor(probs) probs
plt.plot(thetas, probs)r'$\theta$')
plt.ylabel(r'Likelihood function for Bernoulli distribution')
plt.title(# plt.savefig('D:/IITGN/Sem-7/pml/pml-teaching/figures/mle/bernoulli_likelihood_2.pdf')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Likelihood function for Bernoulli distribution')
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
findfont: Generic family 'sans-serif' not found because none of the following families were found: Roboto Condensed
from ipywidgets import interact
@interact(seed=(1, 10))
def plot_likelihood(seed):
= dist.Bernoulli(probs=0.3)
ber = ber.sample(sample_shape=(10,))
data = np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, 100)
thetas = []
probs for i in range(100):
= dist.Bernoulli(torch.tensor([theta]))
ber =thetas[i], data=data))
probs.append(prob(theta= torch.tensor(probs)
plt.plot(thetas, probs)0, 1, 11))
plt.xticks(np.linspace(r"Probability of head: $\theta$")
plt.xlabel(r"likelihood: $p(D|\theta)$")
plt.ylabel(f"Data ={data}")
plt.title(True) plt.grid(