import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
In a previous post, we saw how we can use CVXPY to perform non-negative matrix factorisation. In this post, I’ll show how to add additional constraints that may arise from the problem domain. As a trivial example, I’ll take constraints of the form when there is a less-than relationship among members of the matrix. For example, we may want to enforce certain movies to be always rated more than others? We’ll create a matrix of 30 users and 12 items. We will enforce the contraint that the rating of the first 6 items be atleast twice that of the last 6 items.
Creating a ratings matrix
We will now create a matrix where the relationship among items exists.
= 2, 12, 30
K, N, M = np.random.rand(M, K)
Y_gen = np.random.rand(K, N/2)
X_1 # So that atleast twice as much
= 2* X_1 + np.random.rand(K, N/2)
X_2 = np.hstack([X_2, X_1])
X_gen # Normalizing
= X_gen/np.max(X_gen)
X_gen # Creating A (ratings matrix of size M, N)
=, X_gen)
A pd.DataFrame(A).head()
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
0 | 0.732046 | 0.613565 | 0.961128 | 0.920089 | 0.244323 | 0.506472 | 0.280477 | 0.251049 | 0.324418 | 0.378219 | 0.075556 | 0.131750 |
1 | 0.903630 | 0.340956 | 0.784109 | 0.919741 | 0.190856 | 0.433635 | 0.321932 | 0.135134 | 0.290862 | 0.394680 | 0.052976 | 0.081148 |
2 | 0.972145 | 0.576558 | 1.046197 | 1.098279 | 0.261103 | 0.562996 | 0.358574 | 0.233405 | 0.368118 | 0.460967 | 0.077286 | 0.128344 |
3 | 0.292231 | 0.263864 | 0.401968 | 0.377116 | 0.102567 | 0.210890 | 0.113070 | 0.108163 | 0.134489 | 0.154266 | 0.031993 | 0.056299 |
4 | 0.694038 | 0.803459 | 1.125454 | 0.987344 | 0.290605 | 0.582178 | 0.278848 | 0.331075 | 0.365935 | 0.397023 | 0.093088 | 0.168300 |
We can see that for each user, the 0th item has higher rating compared to the 5th, 1st more than the 6th and so on. Now, in our alternating least squares implementation, we break down A as Y.X. Here X has dimensions of K, N. To ensure the relationship among the items, we will put contraints on X of the form: X[:, 0] > 2 x X[:, 5] and so on. We will create a simple for loop for the same.
= "["
e for a in range(N/2):
+="X[:,%d] > 2 * X[:,%d]," %(a, a+N/2)
e= e[:-1] + "]"
e e
'[X[:,0] > 2 * X[:,6],X[:,1] > 2 * X[:,7],X[:,2] > 2 * X[:,8],X[:,3] > 2 * X[:,9],X[:,4] > 2 * X[:,10],X[:,5] > 2 * X[:,11]]'
As we can see, we now have 6 constraints that we can feed into the optimisation routine. Whenever we learn X in the ALS, we apply these constraint.
CVX routine for handling input constraints
def nmf_features(A, k, MAX_ITERS=30, input_constraints_X=None, input_constraints_Y = None):
import cvxpy as cvx
# Generate random data matrix A.
= A.shape
m, n = ~np.isnan(A)
# Initialize Y randomly.
= np.random.rand(m, k)
Y_init = Y_init
# Perform alternating minimization.
= np.zeros(MAX_ITERS)
residual for iter_num in xrange(1, 1 + MAX_ITERS):
# For odd iterations, treat Y constant, optimize over X.
if iter_num % 2 == 1:
= cvx.Variable(k, n)
X = [X >= 0]
constraint if input_constraints_X:
# For even iterations, treat X constant, optimize over Y.
= cvx.Variable(m, k)
Y = [Y >= 0]
= Y * X
Temp = A[mask] - (Y * X)[mask]
= cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(error, 'fro'))
= cvx.Problem(obj, constraint)
prob =cvx.SCS)
if prob.status != cvx.OPTIMAL:
- 1] = prob.value
if iter_num % 2 == 1:
= X.value
X else:
= Y.value
Y return X, Y, residual
# Without constraints
= nmf_features(A, 3, MAX_ITERS=20)
X, Y, r # With contstraints
= nmf_features(A, 3, MAX_ITERS=20, input_constraints_X=e) X_c, Y_c, r_c
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
0 | 0.749994 | 0.112355 | 0.485850 | 0.674801 | 0.113004 | 0.281371 | 0.257239 | 0.04056 | 0.196474 | 0.297978 | 0.02745 | 0.033952 |
1 | 0.102384 | 0.222149 | 0.266055 | 0.199361 | 0.070403 | 0.133510 | 0.047174 | 0.09233 | 0.081233 | 0.076518 | 0.02375 | 0.045097 |
2 | 0.567213 | 0.558638 | 0.825066 | 0.756059 | 0.211427 | 0.430690 | 0.222174 | 0.22944 | 0.273260 | 0.307475 | 0.06659 | 0.118371 |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
0 | 0.749882 | 0.112384 | 0.485923 | 0.674778 | 0.113027 | 0.281399 | 0.257206 | 0.040566 | 0.196489 | 0.297960 | 0.027461 | 0.033971 |
1 | 0.102366 | 0.222080 | 0.266058 | 0.199353 | 0.070404 | 0.133511 | 0.047168 | 0.092298 | 0.081233 | 0.076513 | 0.023751 | 0.045091 |
2 | 0.567363 | 0.558700 | 0.825253 | 0.756242 | 0.211473 | 0.430789 | 0.222234 | 0.229470 | 0.273319 | 0.307549 | 0.066604 | 0.118382 |
Ok. The obtained X matrix looks fairly similar. How about we reverse the constraints.
= "["
e_rev for a in range(N/2):
+=" 2* X[:,%d] < X[:,%d]," %(a, a+N/2)
e_rev= e_rev[:-1] + "]"
e_rev e_rev
'[ 2* X[:,0] < X[:,6], 2* X[:,1] < X[:,7], 2* X[:,2] < X[:,8], 2* X[:,3] < X[:,9], 2* X[:,4] < X[:,10], 2* X[:,5] < X[:,11]]'
= nmf_features(A, 3, MAX_ITERS=20, input_constraints_X=e_rev) X_c_rev, Y_c_rev, r_c_rev
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
0 | 0.250945 | 0.038070 | 0.174189 | 0.252085 | 0.033251 | 0.069176 | 0.502026 | 0.076147 | 0.348450 | 0.504277 | 0.066521 | 0.138405 |
1 | 0.030757 | 0.088033 | 0.085947 | 0.065135 | 0.024395 | 0.045976 | 0.061398 | 0.176002 | 0.171773 | 0.130146 | 0.048760 | 0.091882 |
2 | 0.220256 | 0.183292 | 0.269014 | 0.282814 | 0.065713 | 0.128120 | 0.440553 | 0.366600 | 0.538065 | 0.565669 | 0.131436 | 0.256263 |
There you go! We now have learnt latent factors that conform to our constraints.