import torch
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.reset_defaults()="talk", font_scale=1)
sns.set_context(context%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
= torch.distributions dist
Creating a 1d normal distribution
= dist.Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0) uv_normal
Sampling from the distribution
= uv_normal.sample(sample_shape=[1000]) samples
sns.histplot(samples) sns.despine()
sns.kdeplot(samples, bw_adjust sns.despine()
Computing logprob and prob at a given x
sns.kdeplot(samples, bw_adjust0.5, color="k", linestyle="--")
plt.axvline(= uv_normal.log_prob(torch.Tensor([0.5]))
= torch.exp(log_pdf_05)
plt.title("Density at x = 0.5 is {:.2f}\n Logprob at x = 0.5 is {:.2f}".format(
0], log_pdf_05.numpy()[0]
) sns.despine()
Learning parameters via MLE
Let us generate some normally distributed data and see if we can learn
the mean.
= uv_normal.sample([10000]) train_data
uv_normal.loc, uv_normal.scale
(tensor(0.), tensor(1.))
train_data.mean(), train_data.std()
(tensor(-0.0174), tensor(1.0049))
The above is the analytical MLE solution
Setting 1: Fixed scale, learning only location
= torch.tensor(-10.0, requires_grad=True)
loc = torch.optim.Adam([loc], lr=0.01)
opt for i in range(3100):
= torch.distributions.Normal(loc=loc, scale=1.0)
to_learn = -torch.sum(to_learn.log_prob(train_data))
loss.backward()if i % 500 == 0:
print(f"Iteration: {i}, Loss: {loss.item():0.2f}, Loc: {loc.item():0.2f}")
opt.step() opt.zero_grad()
Iteration: 0, Loss: 512500.16, Loc: -10.00
Iteration: 500, Loss: 170413.53, Loc: -5.61
Iteration: 1000, Loss: 47114.50, Loc: -2.58
Iteration: 1500, Loss: 18115.04, Loc: -0.90
Iteration: 2000, Loss: 14446.38, Loc: -0.22
Iteration: 2500, Loss: 14242.16, Loc: -0.05
Iteration: 3000, Loss: 14238.12, Loc: -0.02
f"MLE location gradient descent: {loc:0.2f}, MLE location analytical: {train_data.mean().item():0.2f}"
MLE location gradient descent: -0.02, MLE location analytical: -0.02
Setting 2: Learning location and scale
An important difference from the previous code is that we need to use a transformed variable to ensure scale is positive. We do so by using softplus
= torch.tensor(-10.0, requires_grad=True)
loc = torch.tensor(2.0, requires_grad=True)
= torch.optim.Adam([loc, scale], lr=0.01)
opt for i in range(5100):
= torch.functional.F.softplus(scale)
= torch.distributions.Normal(loc=loc, scale=scale_softplus)
to_learn = -torch.sum(to_learn.log_prob(train_data))
loss.backward()if i % 500 == 0:
f"Iteration: {i}, Loss: {loss.item():0.2f}, Loc: {loc.item():0.2f}, Scale: {scale_softplus.item():0.2f}"
opt.step() opt.zero_grad()
Iteration: 0, Loss: 127994.02, Loc: -10.00, Scale: 2.13
Iteration: 500, Loss: 37320.10, Loc: -6.86, Scale: 4.15
Iteration: 1000, Loss: 29944.32, Loc: -4.73, Scale: 4.59
Iteration: 1500, Loss: 26326.08, Loc: -2.87, Scale: 4.37
Iteration: 2000, Loss: 22592.90, Loc: -1.19, Scale: 3.46
Iteration: 2500, Loss: 15968.47, Loc: -0.06, Scale: 1.63
Iteration: 3000, Loss: 14237.87, Loc: -0.02, Scale: 1.01
Iteration: 3500, Loss: 14237.87, Loc: -0.02, Scale: 1.00
Iteration: 4000, Loss: 14237.87, Loc: -0.02, Scale: 1.00
Iteration: 4500, Loss: 14237.87, Loc: -0.02, Scale: 1.00
Iteration: 5000, Loss: 14237.87, Loc: -0.02, Scale: 1.00
f"MLE loc gradient descent: {loc:0.2f}, MLE loc analytical: {train_data.mean().item():0.2f}"
f"MLE scale gradient descent: {scale_softplus:0.2f}, MLE scale analytical: {train_data.std().item():0.2f}"
MLE loc gradient descent: -0.02, MLE loc analytical: -0.02
MLE scale gradient descent: 1.00, MLE scale analytical: 1.00
= dist.MultivariateNormal(
mvn =torch.zeros(2), covariance_matrix=torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 2.0]])
loc )
= mvn.sample([1000]) mvn_samples
sns.kdeplot(=mvn_samples[:, 0],
x=mvn_samples[:, 1],
cbar_kws"format": "%.3f",
plt.gca().set_aspect( sns.despine()
Setting 1: Fixed scale, learning only location
= torch.tensor([-10.0, 5.0], requires_grad=True)
loc = torch.optim.Adam([loc], lr=0.01)
opt for i in range(4100):
= dist.MultivariateNormal(
to_learn =loc, covariance_matrix=torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 2.0]])
)= -torch.sum(to_learn.log_prob(mvn_samples))
loss.backward()if i % 500 == 0:
print(f"Iteration: {i}, Loss: {loss.item():0.2f}, Loc: {loc}")
opt.step() opt.zero_grad()
Iteration: 0, Loss: 81817.08, Loc: tensor([-10., 5.], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 500, Loss: 23362.23, Loc: tensor([-5.6703, 0.9632], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 1000, Loss: 7120.20, Loc: tensor([-2.7955, -0.8165], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 1500, Loss: 3807.52, Loc: tensor([-1.1763, -0.8518], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 2000, Loss: 3180.41, Loc: tensor([-0.4009, -0.3948], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 2500, Loss: 3093.31, Loc: tensor([-0.0965, -0.1150], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 3000, Loss: 3087.07, Loc: tensor([-0.0088, -0.0259], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 3500, Loss: 3086.89, Loc: tensor([ 0.0073, -0.0092], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 4000, Loss: 3086.88, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0075], requires_grad=True)
=0) loc, mvn_samples.mean(axis
(tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0075], requires_grad=True), tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074]))
We can see that our approach yields the same results as the analytical MLE
Setting 2: Learning scale and location
We need to now choose the equivalent of standard deviation in MVN case, this is the Cholesky matrix which should be a lower triangular matrix
= torch.tensor([-10.0, 5.0], requires_grad=True)
loc = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.tril(torch.ones(2, 2)), requires_grad=True)
tril = torch.optim.Adam([loc, tril], lr=0.01)
for i in range(8100):
= dist.MultivariateNormal(loc=loc, covariance_matrix=tril @ tril.t())
to_learn = -torch.sum(to_learn.log_prob(mvn_samples))
loss.backward()if i % 500 == 0:
print(f"Iteration: {i}, Loss: {loss.item():0.2f}, Loc: {loc}")
opt.step() opt.zero_grad()
Iteration: 0, Loss: 166143.42, Loc: tensor([-10., 5.], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 500, Loss: 9512.82, Loc: tensor([-7.8985, 3.2943], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 1000, Loss: 6411.09, Loc: tensor([-6.4121, 2.5011], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 1500, Loss: 5248.90, Loc: tensor([-5.0754, 1.8893], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 2000, Loss: 4647.84, Loc: tensor([-3.8380, 1.3627], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 2500, Loss: 4289.96, Loc: tensor([-2.6974, 0.9030], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 3000, Loss: 4056.93, Loc: tensor([-1.6831, 0.5176], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 3500, Loss: 3885.87, Loc: tensor([-0.8539, 0.2273], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 4000, Loss: 3722.92, Loc: tensor([-0.2879, 0.0543], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 4500, Loss: 3495.34, Loc: tensor([-0.0310, -0.0046], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 5000, Loss: 3145.29, Loc: tensor([ 0.0089, -0.0075], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 5500, Loss: 3080.54, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 6000, Loss: 3080.53, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 6500, Loss: 3080.53, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 7000, Loss: 3080.53, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 7500, Loss: 3080.53, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], requires_grad=True)
Iteration: 8000, Loss: 3080.53, Loc: tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], requires_grad=True)
to_learn.loc, to_learn.covariance_matrix
(tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074], grad_fn=<AsStridedBackward0>),
tensor([[1.0582, 0.4563],
[0.4563, 1.7320]], grad_fn=<ExpandBackward0>))
= mvn_samples.mean(axis=0)
mle_loc mle_loc
tensor([ 0.0090, -0.0074])
= (
mle_covariance - mle_loc).t() @ ((mvn_samples - mle_loc)) / mvn_samples.shape[0]
) mle_covariance
tensor([[1.0582, 0.4563],
[0.4563, 1.7320]])
We can see that our gradient based methods parameters match those of the MLE computed analytically.