import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
import pandas as pd
# Retina mode
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
= "appl"
= np.zeros(27) # 26 letters + space (EOS)
# Store i to s
= list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ")
# stoi
= {char: i for i, char in enumerate(itos)}
# Fill in the probabilities
"a"]] = 0.1
probs[stoi["e"]] = 0.3
probs[stoi["i"]] = 0.2
probs[stoi["o"]] = 0.1
probs[stoi["u"]] = 0.05
probs[stoi[" "]] = 0.05
= torch.distributions.Categorical(torch.tensor(probs)) probability_distribution
= probability_distribution.sample()
sample print(f"Sampled character: {itos[sample]}")
Sampled character: a
= np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1000)
samples_numpy print(samples_numpy[:10])
[0.18872185 0.29419573 0.05307716 0.4139927 0.80335078 0.64528118
0.4575413 0.76490687 0.53933945 0.3135855 ]
(array([100., 86., 105., 99., 102., 90., 105., 106., 104., 103.]),
array([0.00367548, 0.10305437, 0.20243325, 0.30181214, 0.40119103,
0.50056992, 0.59994881, 0.6993277 , 0.79870659, 0.89808548,
<BarContainer object of 10 artists>)
class SimplePRNG:
def __init__(self, seed=42):
# Initialize the generator with a seed
self.modulus = 2**31 - 1 # Large prime modulus
self.multiplier = 1664525
self.increment = 1013904223
self.state = seed
def uniform(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None):
# Generate random numbers in the range [low, high)
if size is None:
= 1 # Default to a single number if size is None
size if isinstance(size, int):
= (size,) # Convert size to tuple
# Generate random numbers
= np.empty(size)
random_numbers for idx in np.ndindex(size):
self.state = (self.multiplier * self.state + self.increment) % self.modulus
= low + (high - low) * (self.state / self.modulus)
return random_numbers
# Example usage:
= SimplePRNG(seed=12345)
prng print(prng.uniform(0, 1, 50))
[0.04080538 0.04087837 0.54709049 0.26713204 0.42986223 0.90642683
0.59240588 0.8643601 0.45993872 0.96243078 0.56511522 0.88322526
0.98992417 0.00597593 0.55550726 0.19979239 0.90062773 0.84657695
0.96436855 0.03375009 0.34428985 0.54191328 0.67693687 0.81460587
0.30590164 0.39907677 0.73545432 0.56768856 0.26844794 0.78549411
0.06020346 0.63806449 0.76347271 0.89276656 0.72407304 0.15397659
0.35789549 0.46641842 0.58988864 0.86842092 0.80445417 0.54725703
0.48183308 0.68513887 0.24797944 0.44857785 0.52156459 0.77294949
0.22528635 0.23579403]
= prng.uniform(0, 1, 1000) samples_our_prng
(array([ 96., 94., 101., 98., 92., 97., 107., 129., 81., 105.]),
array([0.00156537, 0.10117911, 0.20079286, 0.30040661, 0.40002035,
0.4996341 , 0.59924785, 0.69886159, 0.79847534, 0.89808909,
<BarContainer object of 10 artists>)